Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.3J

Summary of text [comment] page 19

Schoonenberg wrote that the heart, the center of the person, is also the locus of the free decision for which ‘man’ is responsible.  Mesurable qualities do not make ‘man’ good or bad before God.  Nor do the consequences of ‘his’ actions.  Instead, God judges the response of the free person which takes shape in ‘his’ actions.

[How to translate this into the format of the intersecting nested forms?

Think3(actions2(conscience1)) is the purely theoretical moral religious axis.  In order to be practical, actions­2 specify conscience1.  The specification is revealed in the way we live.

In the process of living, a particular conscience and set of dispositions (both exist in the realm of possibility) feel more and more real (as the range of possibilities becomes more limited and thus, predictable).  One’s actions make more and more sense (in that one can try to explain their predictable patterns).  The person seems to have made a choice.]