Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.3L2

Summary of text [comment] page 19

[Ironically, this accounting is parodied in this life, when a thinkgroup projects a thinkopposing_the_object and conscienceanti-object onto a suspected enemy.

Anyone guilty of some minor infraction, being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or daring to think that ‘he’ could fix a problem, is suddenly held “responsible” as “a person who holds an evil ideology3 and lives a false conscience1”.  Often, the person is also accused of a gross, uncivil and tormented disposition1.

Here, “two normal contexts3 (thinkpro-object3 and lawdenial3)” constitute “the accused person2 (giving ‘him’ a new body2)” by bringing ‘him’ into relation with “the possibilities inherent in the accused actually having a conscience1 and dispositions1“.

The only caveat is that the accusers define the person’s conscience1 and dispositions1, rather than the person.  Thus, the mob, that great frothy beast (today, amplified through mainstream television and newspapers), turns on a soul who exists only in the realm of potential, as if the accused imaginary person was actual.

Look, our eyes can see an image of a real person being accused.  There ‘he’ is, on the television.  So it must be true.

In 2012, Mr. Romney never saw it coming.  The poor soul became the person he never was.  He was damned in a parody of divine judgment.  He was demonized by the projections of the accusers.

Mr. Romney still does not know what happened to him.  One wonders whether, in a farcical version of some tale written Edgar Allen Poe, he will awaken in his crypt.  Will he ever face the accusers?  Will the accusers ever face him?

“Responsibility” is “holding a possibility accountable”.  This “holding” can only be accomplished by “creating a context where possibility comes into relation with actuality”.  Thinkpro-object creates those contexts by projecting thinkanti-object onto innocent souls.

The question arises: Will God do the same at the Resurrection?

The answer is that He cannot.  God cannot lie to Himself.]