Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.4G6

Summary of text [comment] page 22

[Today, one might imagine that infrasovereign religions appear only after sovereign power descends under the auspices of a suprasovereign religion.

An Archaeology of the Fall suggested that religions of constrained complexity acted as thinkdivine in concert with thinkorganization.  Sovereignty belonged to the individuals within the group.  The undifferentiated nested form seamlessly encompassed character building3(exercise of power2(organizational discipline and goals1)).

The purely symbolically ordered thinkgroups of unconstrained complexity defined themselves in contrast to this holistic, traditional way of life. Organizing dissociated from character building.

The sovereign arose as the only institution capable of performing certain tasks (such as the natural functions of government: resolving civic and contract disputes, public works, addressing crime, and defense).

However, the sovereign was also the only institution capable of forcing people to accomplish organizational goals defined by infrasovereign institutions.

The legitimate tasks of the sovereign make its institution inevitable.  The establishment of the sovereign then attracted infrasovereign religions.]