Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.5AK

Summary of text [comment] page 39

[“The final self-donation” opens our metaphorical windows to knowing both thinkdivine and lawessential.  That does not mean that we achieve the fullness of wisdom.  It simply means openness to wisdom.

“The final impenitence” shuts our windows tight and creates a virtual outside in order to keep them closed.  There is no openness here.  Within the reach of the sovereign, there is no escape from thinkpro-object.

When thinkgroup assumes the throne and eclipses thinkdivine, it becomes thinkpro-object.  “The Party of Thinkpro-object” holds as sacred the “object that brings all of subjects into organization”.

Who does not hold the object in esteem? Who will break one of a tangle of rules? Who dare piss off a perverted instrument of their pro-object order? Who stands at the wrong place at the wrong time?  These are branded thinkanti-object.

Sovereigninfra rule establishes a new religion, a new Public Cult.

Hail Pro-Object!  Hail the Dear Leader who bears “the Object that brings us into Organization”.

Thinkdivine resides beyond the thin line marking the horizon.

Thinkdivine exterpellates.]