Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.7CQ

Summary of text [comment] page 61-62

[Whoever holds the trappings of power suffers a temptation to sin.

Moreover, they carry the burden of bearing a thing of power, laden with hope and change.

What hope? What change? For some organizational goals? Goals that divide the world? Goals that become the attractors for idolatry?

Amazingly, this is where America stood in 2008. Progressive and so-called liberal thinkgroups had already established their “objects that bring people into organization” (such as mandates for equality, tolerance, fairness, environmental protection, education, health, and many, many more) as bureaus within the central state. They had sovereign power.

They wanted more power. They needed to takeover the healthcare and financial markets. They got the opportunity in 2008.

Each of the bureau’s objectorgs demand submission by those outside the supporting organizations. All people (regardless of organizational affiliation) are expected to adopt so-called federal mandated goals. This requires citizens to surrender responsibility and freedom. Opposition appears either complicit or no longer relevant.

Why would Americans vote for this?

Why would they have voted to surrender the freedom of others, but apparently not their own?

Americans had already become less virtuous.]