Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.1Y

Summary of text [comment] pages 65 and 66

[Dispositions and conscience exist in the realm of possibility.

Dispositions are directly situated by human action. They are contextualized by consequences, which I call, lawessential.   Lawessential may be accepted or denied. I label habitual acceptance or denial as lawacceptance and lawdenial.

These labels refer to “the actual and perceived consequences of the single actuality of virtue and sin”. This same actuality is contextualized by thinkdivine and thinkgroup.

The conscience is directly situated by human thoughts. The conscience is contextualized by two exclusive yet interpellating normal contexts, thinkgroup and thinkdivine. These contexts cause the conscience to be more and more distinct as the creature realizes ‘himself’. That is why conscience is specified. The specifications that I use are “lacking” (as in “without freedom”) and “free” (as in, open to responsibility and freedom).

In time, I suspect that better terms than “lacking” and “free” will be found.]