Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 EA

Summary of text [comment] page 78

[Sin and virtue in this model label the single actuality composed of two nested forms; one pertaining to human actions and one pertaining to human thoughts.

Schoonenberg conflates ‘the commandments of the natural law’ with ‘the divine way’?

How does this work?

The sinner develops or adopts a thinkgroup that deviates from thinkdivine. It is easy to do because thinkgroups belong to the Zeitgeist.

Many thinkgroups bring sinful acts into relation with the conscience. In doing so, thinkgroup justifies sin in a way that favors certain pleasures or avoids certain pains.

What body would resist?

Consciencelacking is directly trained by the normal context of thinkgroup.

The dispositions are indirectly habituated through each transgression.]