Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 EB

[Consider the unity of human thought and human action.

Seek pleasure. I mean, seek the pleasure that is offered by the thinkgroup. Belonging may be one of those pleasures. If the mob is doing it, I can do it too.

Avoid pain. I mean, avoid the pain that is threatened by the thinkgroup. Perhaps, a thinkgroup may offer ways to shift pain to others. Don’t be the scapegoat. Scapegoat others to shift blame from yourself.

Sinful behavior, emerging from and situating consciencelacking, plus one’s disposition to seek pleasure and avoid pain, has consequences.

These consequences, of course, are unintended.

They are ignored in lawdenial.

The great tradition of natural law, lawessential, remembers ‘those unintended consequences’.

Lawacceptance serves to keep those memories alive. Their maxims constitute the laws of nature that Schoonenberg refers to.

Thus sinful ‘man’ is unable to keep commandments of the natural law.]