Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Self-Justification 6I

At this point, we have learned that concupiscence defines itself in the context of justificationself.

Plus, perhaps because we can step back and observe “what we have done” with our justificationself(concupiscence()), there is a sense that our self-serving words and impulsive actions are somehow “outside ourselves”.

I now return to Peters text: Chapter 6 of Sin: Self-Justification: Looking Good While Scapegoating Others.

Peters told several stories that recall the essence of these lessons.  In each case, the justificationself came from the outside, or at least seemed to, and empowered the person to do follow her concupiscent desires.

Peters’ stories tell us that justificationself can even adopt the symbols of justificationdivine, in order to steal the goodness of God for ourselves.  Perhaps, instead of “goodness”, Peters should have written “righteousness”.

Peters mentioned a book by Jack Katz (Seductions of Crime, 1988) which argued that, after a humiliation, justificationself(concupiscence()) can escalate into righteous rage and violence.