Thoughts on Original Sin by Tatha Wiley (2002) 2D

Why did the early Christians link infant Baptism and the Story of the Fall? From the point of view of Moderns, the link makes no sense at all.

Why would infant Baptism have anything to do with the Stories of Adam and Eve?

Why would people demand infant Baptism?

From the point of view of the ancient Pagans, however, the reason must have been obvious.  Here is my guess:

Women had ears.  Each mother knew that her helpless babe was once a beautiful immaterial good soul that now had descended into an innocent-appearing but material, hence “evil”, body.

They wanted to do whatever it took to bring appearance in line with form, innocence with innocence, and the Christians had a way to do that.  Baptism took the evil of the body away and gave the soul – the animating principle – sanctifying grace.

Baptism was Good News from the perspective of those raised in ancient worldviews of the descent of the soul.  Yet no one could explain why within the nascent Christian symbolic order.