Thoughts on Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.2S2

[The sinful thinkgroup believes it has the light.  If it gains sovereign power, this thinkgroup addresses all subjects as either thinkgroup_is_light or thinkenemy_is_darkness.   Thinkgroup_is_light hates thinkenemy_is_darkness, even though it cannot really tell friend from foe. Thinkgroup_is_light denies the consequences of its own (sinful) actions.

Any person of virtue who points out the horrid consequences of thinkgroup_is_light is branded as a person who adheres to the malevolent world view of thinkenemy_is_darkness.  That person becomes a “scapegoat”, an object for hatred.

Thinkgroup_is_light rejects the possibility that any alleged “person of virtue” has the capacity to witness to the lawessential that they themselves deny.  Consequently, the prophet is condemned because she does have the proper intelligence, standing, sophistication or credentials.  It is impossible for her to witness to what she plainly sees.

John’s pithy view of “what sin is” points to the core of these issues: The only moral religious perspective where the appearance of lawessential corresponds to its substance is thinkdivine.

Lawacceptance and thinkdivine complement one another.

That is why sin is infidelity and hatred against the light, which is Christ. ]