Looking at Steve Fuller’s Book (2020) “A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition” (Part 15 of 26)
0148 In chapter eight, Fuller asks, “Will expertise survive?”
It depends on whether their enlightenment god wins.
0149 Originally, the capitalist one and the socialist one have two independent traditions of expertise.
With the glorification of the empirio-normative judgment, defining success2c since 1989, these two traditions of expertisecelebrate what they have in common. The contents of the questionable boxes of the capitalist one and the socialist onehybridize with the positivist cross. The situation levels of the capitalist one and the socialist one enter into alliance with the empirio-schematic judgment unfolded into a category-based nested form.

0150 Now, the situationb-level of two distinct relative ones3b share a common epistemological structure2b. These deadly enemies now view the world in the same… um… fashion.
This is a radical proposition.
Both capitalist and socialist ideologies adopt the same empirio-schematic denkstyle.
0151 So, a question arises, “How does this examiner draw clues in Fuller’s text together into a simple relation?“
Here is one option.
The situation-level nested forms for both the capitalist one and the socialist one hybridize into a single intersection2b. So, the two former combatants3b become two branches in service to the same deity3c.

The disciplinary language of science3b brings the intersection of capitalist and socialist approaches2b into relation with the potential1b of observations and measurements of the phenomena of what people say2a.
0152 In America, the so-called “boomer generation” is trained to love either the capitalist one or the socialist one and to hate the other. The boomer generation is born between say, 1945 and 1964, corresponding to the first half of the Cold War (1945-1989). They endorse the broadcasts2c of either the capitalist one3c or the socialist one3c.
So, the possibility that these two ideologies may join into two branches of a single deification is incredible. It cannot be believed. Pity the boomers, trapped in the cognitive bubble of the so-called “Cold War”.
0153 Yet, some boomers see it coming. From 1964 on, one tactic of the capitalist one3c has been to undermine the socialist one3c (in communist jurisdictions) by offering a mimic of the socialist one (in capitalist jurisdictions). The deal is initially called, “guns and butter”. “Guns” to fight the commies. “Butter” to purchase votes for those inclined to fall in love with righteousness and order.
Success2c, for the scientismist one2c, entails the generation of actionable judgments2c, by a centralizing state in favor of both “guns” (for capitalist experts) and “butter” (for socialist experts). Opportunity1c lies with a government that secures larger and larger implementations of expert-demanding activities, particularly in regards to engaging in international conflicts and resolving questions of housing, welfare and education. In 2024, in the USA, one can earn a university degree2b in “supply chains” as well as in “social work”.
0154 What does this imply?
Well, every purchase of Fuller’s book, A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition, indicates that people have difficulties with the one of scientism3c.
But, postmodern experts are way ahead of the flock that they are shearing.
They have already patented the word, “woke”, as a parole for a university langue.
In this regard, see Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind”, appearing in Razie Mah’s blog from April 11 to 29, 2023.
0155 As to whether postmodern expertise will survive in a scientismist world3c, where both capitalist and socialist experts3b convert the opinions, facts and experiences of everyday people2a into phenomena1b for value-extracting analysis2b, the answer is obvious.
The one of scientism3c is our current enlightenment god.
As long as this deity3c rules, experts3b need not fret.
Both capitalism and socialism operate under the imprimatur of the cross of scientism.