
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NH

[The passage of an institution from point 1 to point 3 changes the message of the institution.

The message goes from conversion by persuasion (or example) to conversion by the sword.

All sovereigns have the sword, so why not use it?

If the objectorganization is so important that it must be imposed by sovereign power, it is important enough to worship as an idol.

Thus, sovereign religions veer towards idolatry.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NF

[There are three types of infrasovereign religions:

  1. The first could grasp for sovereign power (religioninfrasov) but does not because of its own internal rules (and devotion to a religionsuprasov). These could transition to point 2 by getting around the rules.
  2. The second grasps for sovereign power in order to impose its objectsorganization on all sovereign subjects (religioninfrasov).
  3. The third imposes it objectsorganization, because it belongs an alliance that has grasped sovereign power (religionsov or (infra)sovereign religion).]

Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MK

[How does this resonate with Schoonenberg’s claim that we have the freedom to serve God or Satan?

Freedom goes with both the potential of the person1a plus an actuality, the something contextualized by the thought experiment2a.

The thought experiment3a reflects illumination by social elites (or, in general, the Zeitgeist).]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MB

[The Cult of American Progressivism spews a deluge of words in order to maintain bondage to our particular victimhoods.

Pneumo-pathological mechanisms establish of a sovereign religion.

Those grasping for power have objects that bring subjects into organization.

Thinkpro-object enslaves the subjects who, like all those who went to Jesus and heard only parables, simply do not know any better.]