
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 LX

[Progressive elites buy votes with various pro-objects.

These pro-objects nominally protect the victims.

In fact, these purported victims depend on largess from the Central Government. Indulgences validate the recipient’s victimhood. The recipient’s victimhood validates Progressive organizational objects.

The common word for “indulgence” is “entitlement”.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 LW

[Some American citizens sell their votes to the (infra)sovereign religion or, even more mind boggling, are convinced that the (infra)sovereign religions are on their side.

These are the so-called ‘low information voters’ who vote along tribal affiliation, as if, through elections, one tribe can legitimately subjugate the opposing tribes.

Forget the 10 commandments!]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 LV

[How is this possible?

Americans are ‘free’. However, voters have consistently chosen ‘somethings2a’ that have empowered the Central Government (State and City governments no longer rule independent of the Center).

Or have they?

Their votes against the aggressive (infra)sovereign party go to the the other party.

This other party takes the passive common folk stance of meeting ritual demands in order to avoid accusations by the (infra)sovereign party.

Big Government Liberalism wins either way.

How crazy is that?]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 LU

[Here is a funny twist.

The elites in one political party openly represent the (infra)sovereign religion of Big Government Liberalism.

The elites in the other political party say that they do not belong to the religion, but behave as is if they do.

The same co-opposition of words3a(2a and bondage2a(1a) that marked Judaism at the time of Jesus also marks the Public Cult of Progressivism today.


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 LB

[Before his conversion, Paul was not so different from other members of the Jewish elite. He yearned for recognition, not for material goods.

What type of recognition?

Paul wanted to be recognized as more righteous than his peers.

He was not covetous, like those other grasping elites.

Oh yes, he was better.

He enforced the Law.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 KU

Summary of text [comment] page 83

[So what happened?

I continue my guess.

Obviously, problems came from establishing a king.

The formation of a sovereign encouraged competition among contending points of view. Sovereign power offered opportunities for exploitation. Royal decrees put people in bondage. The court deprived the people of what they own.

The kingdoms of Israel and Judah failed due to royal immorality and incompetence, as well as the alienation of their own subjects.

Oh, plus an attacking empire.]