Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 WC
[The mandala of words, thoughts, bondage, and deeds opens to sin and law
Sin resides in words.
Law entraps thought.
Words and bondage corrodes the heart.]
[The mandala of words, thoughts, bondage, and deeds opens to sin and law
Sin resides in words.
Law entraps thought.
Words and bondage corrodes the heart.]
Summary of text [comment] page 85
[How does free choice describe the heart?
Is the answer obvious?
There are two mandalas of the heart.
Each person freely chooses one heart or the other.
Each person expresses one mandala or the other.]
[Christian liberty entails the capacity to create and maintain responsibilities, especially concerning Christ.
Christian liberty employs the co-opposition of responsibilities3(2 and freedom2(1).]
[The whole heart may also be described as words, thoughts, bondage, and deeds.]
Summary of text [comment] pages 84 and 85
[The slogans of the modest proposal might be:
Political promises make bondage.
Personal responsibility makes freedom.]
Summary of text [comment] pages 84 and 85
[Here is a modest proposal.
Everyone in the nation should pay a 25% income tax.
5% goes to the federal government for civil and criminal courts plus defense.
The remaining 20% must go to institutions within the person’s state.
These institutions may include churches, charities, plus any other non-profit organizations designated by each particular state.
Let the people put their money where their mouths are.
Let their choices and amounts be published on the internet.
All other federal transfer programs should cease within 10 years.
All monies held in special accounts for particular purposes (for example, so-called trust funds, which are all empty) should be returned to the individuals who paid them.]
[Donating to my church is my responsibility. It is my obligation. It is a pathway to life.
Nobody in my church would buy the line that my acquaintance was disabled.
Only a bureaucrat would buy the line, with other people’s money.]
[Responsibility3(2 implies direct and indirect reciprocity
These are consistent with freedom2(1)).
Paying taxes goes with responsibility.
Receiving the taxes of others goes with political promises (words).
State-enforced transfer payments constitute pathways to a dying heart.
A nation is divided.]
[Words3(2 impose on others.
Words3(2 are not inconsistent with free choice.
Words3(2 demand exchanges without reciprocity.
Words3(2 are co-opposed to bondage2(1)).]
Summary of text [comment] pages 84 and 85
[Here is an example:
Recently, a 50 year old acquaintance said, “Look at my hands. I can’t do work. I am entitled to Social Security Disability.”
Then, she got into her SUV to drive to a party to play bridge.]