
Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 6 of 14)

0039 In section five, Vigano considers the eagerness of Vatican II innovators to address the demands of the world.


The term is familiar to economics.  Someone wants to sell something to someone else.  When “someone else” wants to buy, then there is a “demand”.  Since the innovators of Vatican II are selling irreplaceable works of the intellect, I suspect that “someone else” has lots of money.  “Someone else” has plans for a New World Order.

0040 Vigano provides a long list of wares that were sold.

0041 Here is one.

Is there a demand for a primacy of matter over spirit?

Surely, “someone else” will buy that.

When matter has priority over spirit, then the human brotherhood, as matter, can substantiate a preferred form of ecumenism, where the Church gets off her pedestal, which happens to be the moon, in the ongoing metaphor.  Then, the Church can join all other religions in the umbra of what she used to be standing on.

The complication is that spirit has primacy over matter. So, the Church never really gets off her pedestal, leaving unsophisticated integralists scratching their heads.

Yes, some products are more complicated than others.  The primacy of matter over spirit is one of them.  At least, it gets the Church off her pedestal, in appearance, if not in deed.

Who wouldn’t shell out taxpayer money for that?

0042 Here is another.

Is there a demand for accumulating power through the method of delegating decision-making roles to episcopal conferences, synods of bishops, commissions, pastoral councils, and so on?

Surely, a congeries of experts will buy that.

No one in these temporary gatherings wants to be responsible for what the temporary gathering decides. So, the proceedings fall upon experts.  Experts guide episcopal conferences, synods, commissions and the like.  Indeed, the options listed on multiple choice surveys are fashioned by experts in such a manner that only the “reasonable” choice may be selected.  Power accumulates in expertise.  In particular, human brotherhood [justifies] those who exercise the power of expertise.

Who wouldn’t shell out their expert commendations for that?

I think that there is a monthly publication devoted to promulgating such expert analysis.

It is called America Magazine.

0043 Vigano’s list goes on and on.

The substance of the modernist actuality2H tailors itself to each particular exposition of human brotherhood and New World Order agenda.

To me, it seems that the items on Vigano’s list have a certain feature in common.

They share a common substance.

The human brotherhood [justifies the implementation of] each agenda of a New World Order2H.

0044 The modernist’s new new actuality2H tells me how the revolution of Vatican II serves the New World Order.

Figure 10

Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 7 of 14)

0045 In section six, Vigano focuses on the moderates.  Moderates go along to get along.  They are the polite folk who open the door for the burglar to escape.  It would be impolite to impede someone who is in such a hurry.

The moderates do not imagine that there is a reason why the burglar is in a hurry.

Indeed, significant time pressure is placed on the moderates during Vatican II.  All the facilitators are in a hurry.  They conduct special, invitation only, meetings in order to speed things up.  The moderates are told that their work is so important, that they must give approval, even if they have not fully read the documents.

0046 The moderates are confused because they cannot imagine that the reality of modernism2H can draw the reality of integralism2V into the umbra of the moon upon which Mary, Mother of God, stands.

Here is a picture of the eclipse2.

Figure 11

0047 Why the rush?

The revolutionaries of Vatican II want to resolve the eclipse2 in favor of the modern reality2H.  They want to subjugate the vertical dimension2V to the horizontal2H.

They do not succeed during the Council.  But, they lay the groundwork for later success, as seen in the promulgation of “the encyclical”, Fratelli Tutti, sixty years later, by the party of Bergoglio.

0048 Intersections are dynamic.  The contain contradictions that cannot be resolved.  Sometimes, the contradictions are honed into mysteries, irreplaceable works of the intellect.  Sometimes, the contradictions destroy the single actuality.  Sometimes, the contradictions resolve.

When an intersection resolves into a two-level interscope, one nested form ends up on the content level and the other nested form occupies the situation level.  The situation level virtually emerges from (and situates) the content level.

0049 Here is a picture of the two-level intersection that the revolutionaries of Vatican II aim to achieve, rendered sixty years after the crime.

figure 12

0050 Surely, moderates identify with the content level, but desire to be members of the situation level.  After all, the situation level is full of important people. The folk on the content level ought to admire them.  

Surely, the unfolding of the intersection of the eclipse2 gives hope to the revolutionaries who occupy positions of power and intend the “sell” their authority to the highest bidder. The bidders turn out to be the financiers of the New World Order, and sundry other characters, in the upper-reaches of various governments.

Once the eclipse2 unfolds, the content-level integralists are trapped.  They are fully situated.  Appeals to authority and tradition are answered by modernists occupying the positions of authority and tradition.

0051 What does this imply?

First, the substance of the modernist actuality2b transforms into a contiguity more pliable than justification and implementation.  Vigano calls it an “open religion” after the Soros-founded entities called, “open society”.

Figure 13

0052 The situation-level hylomorphe2b contains two contiguous real elements.  The real elements are human brotherhoodand the open society (that is, open for business for the New World Order).  The contiguity is what the Bergoglionians aim to alchemically fashion, a syncretic coagulate of all the major civilizational religions, plus any others that come along for the ride.  In order to accomplish this, modernists must dissolve the content-level nested form and harvest its tradition and authority2a.

Figure 14

0053 At this point, the charism of the “encyclical” Fratelli Tutti1b turns, like a revolving door, into a modernist manifesto1b, aiming to channel tradition and authority2a, the contiguity between the body of Christ2a and the kingdom of God2a, into the substance of an open religion2b.

Figure 15

0054 To me, this suggests that the deep church2b harvests the credibility1b of the Catholic Church3a in the service of the deep state2b.


Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 8 of 14)

0055 In section seven, Vigano explores the nature of the open society and the open religion.

In Fratelli Tutti, Bergoglio pontificates, saying (more or less), “We want to be a church that serves, that leaves home and goes from places of worship… in order to accompany life, to sustain hope, and be a sign of unity… to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow seeds of reconciliation…”

This quote leads to a question, “Does Fratelli Tutti fulfill the possibilities inherent in harvesting tradition and authority, the substance of the integralist actuality2a?

0056 To the modernist, it does.

Figure 16

0057 The harvest is substantial.  The content-level dissolves as the situation-level coagulates.  The alchemic transformation1b proceeds within the ambiguous wording of Vatican II3b, the Council3b that surpasses all previous councils, thereby rupturing the hermeneutics of continuity… even, though, it3b is not really rupturing the continuity at all. Rather, it3b is merely channeling1b the contiguity from the content-level2a to the situation-level2b.

0058 What globalist billionaire would not want to pay for that?

What high-end pension fund strategist might be interested?

“Someone else” wants to invest, as well.


Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 9 of 14)

0059 In section eight, Vigano discusses the ideological foundations of the term, “brotherhood”.

Clearly, the “encyclical”, Fratelli Tutti, as well as other Bergoglionian initiatives, virtually situates the body of Christ2awith the human brotherhood2b.

Both elements associate to matter.

The kingdom of God2a is situated by the open society2b.

Both elements associate to form.

0060 Tradition and authority is the contiguity between the body of Christ2a and the kingdom of God2a.

Open religion is the contiguity between the human brotherhood2b and the agenda of the open society2b.

0061 This makes me wonder about the nature of contiguities.

0062 For the hylomorphe, matter [contiguity] form, the contiguity may be called, “substance”.

Here, “substance” becomes a technical term that points to the contiguity and says, “This is not one of the real elements.  This is a causality between the two real elements.”

What better catalog of all these causalities than Aristotle’s list of the four causes, amended to eight or twelve by the medieval scholastics?

0063 If the body of Christ2 explains the kingdom of God2, then their contiguity should substantiate that explanation.  But, that substance is not a real element.  It is a real relation between real elements.

As such, this substance is attuned to the normal context of the Catholic Church3, as well as the potential of the charism of Christ1.  To me, this substance may be called, “sacramental”.

0064 Likewise, if the human brotherhood2 explains the open society2, then their contiguity should substantiate that explanation.

As such, this substance is attuned to the normal context of the Vatican II Council3, as well as the potential of Fratelli Tutti1, along with the possibilities inherent in harvesting… er… channelling… er… dissolving and coagulating the tradition and authority of the historic, yet increasingly compromised, Catholic Church3.  To wit, the modernist substance may be called “open religion”.

0065 The problem?

Vigano seems to be saying that the Catholic Church3a cannot be completely situated by Vatican II3b, despite what all the experts say.

The body of Christ2a cannot be situated by the human brotherhood2b.

The kingdom of God2a cannot be situated by the agenda of an open society2b.

So, the audience is thrown back into analogies of the eclipse2, where the Church joins all other religions in the umbra of the moon at the feet of Holy Mary, even though the tradition and authority of the Church remains above the moon, standing in solidarity with the Mother of God.

Figure 17

Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 10 of 14)

0066 In section nine, Vigano examines several links between Vatican II and the present crisis.  In particular, he raises the issue of the relationship between {the individual and the community of faithful} and {God}.

To me, these bracketed terms associate to the body of Christ2V.  The term, “the body of Christ2V“, is multivalent.  It2Vencompasses the individual and the community of faithful.  It2V also means the eucharist.

0067 Vigano writes that the modernists, occupying positions of institutional authority within the Church and Catholic Universities, translate the sacramental character of Catholic rites into touchy-feely communal expressions.  The sacramental opportunity for the individual to be born again, into mystical union with Jesus Christ, is rendered into an affirmation of belonging with one’s fellow humans.  

Each individual can get on the train, along with all the baggage one wishes to carry.

The train is destined for the station of human brotherhood2H and open society2H.

0068 Does this sound like bait and switch?

The bait is each sacrament, calling each integralist into alignment with tradition and authority.

The switch is the re-articulation of the practices of each sacrament into liturgical performances, celebrating human brotherhood2H and the agendas of the open society2H.

0069 The bait-and-switch defines an alchemic flow, between potentials and substances, within the two-level interscope.

Figure 18

Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 11 of 14)

0070 At this point, there are two arrangements, a two-level interscope and an intersection.  The interscope depicts an alchemic flow.  The intersection depicts an eclipse2, a single actuality involving two celestial bodies, where one body occludes the light of the other.

0071 From the modernist point of view, the two-level interscope operates.  Vatican II is triumphant.  Modernist experts are empowered to alchemically isolate the substance of the sacraments, dissolve it, and then coagulate it as an open religion, on par with all the other religions of the world.  The Catholic Church3a aligns with Vatican II3b, through the ministrations of experts.

Figure 19

0072 From the integralist point of view, the intersection operates.  According to Vigano, Vatican II3H is one normal context and the Catholic Church3V is another.  Typically, normal contexts exhibit the logics of exclusion, alignment and complement.  Here, the two nested forms cannot complete their logical destinies, because their actualities consolidate into a single actuality.  So, the two actualities cannot be the same, but they are stuck together.

Figure 20

0073 Is the integralist eclipse2 on its way to an alignment of two nested forms?

The modern experts want it so.

But, there is a problem.

Vatican II3H has not, and cannot, complete the task of reconciling the two actualities of intergralism2V and modernism2H, and bringing them into alignment.

But maybe, that is not the end game.

Perhaps, the end game is much more cruel.

0074 Why?

The charism of Christ1V is the potential that underlies the contiguity between the body of Christ2V and the kingdom of God2V

The potential of experts1H dissolves the credibility (tradition and authority) of the sacraments and alchemically coagulates an open religion, redefining the body of Christ2V as the human brotherhood2H and reformulating the kingdom of God2V as the open society2H.

0075 In the eclipse2the horizontal potential1H exploits the substance generated by the vertical potential1V.

Figure 21

Why does the two-level interscope fail?

The moment that the sacraments cannot be dissolved and reformulated into the lingo of human brotherhood2b and open society2b, the substance of the open religion can no longer feed of its host.

Why is the interscope cruel?

The potential of the Third Person of the Trinity1a cannot be virtually situated by experts harvesting material precipitates1bof sacred sacraments2a and making the coagulate open for all to share2b.  But, it can be exploited.

0076 In section ten, Vigano suggests that maybe Catholics should just… let go… of this strange monstrosity.

Let go of the exploitation.

0077 Indeed, the eclipse2 is a strange configuration, since the historic Church stands with the Virgin Mary upon the moon and is clothed in the garments of righteousness and the open religion, which is what “we” want the church to be(according to Fratelli Tutti), stands in the umbra of the moon, along with the other “open” religions of the world.

I wonder whether there are alternate analogies.


Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 12 of 14)

0078 In section eleven, Vigano proposes that there is a way to win the battle between the integralists and the modernists.  Go back to what the Church has always done.  Stop doing what the anti-church asks for.

Then, almost as a correction, Vigano quotes 2 Maccabees 15:23, which says (more or less), “So now, O Sovereign of the Heavens, send a good angel to spread terror and trembling before us.  By the might of your arm may these blasphemers, who come against your holy people, be struck down.”

0079 Why would Vigano say, at first, “Simply return to the pre-Vatican II Church.”, and then immediately, “Lord, send your angel to destroy those exploiting your Church.”?

Here is a picture of the flows between substance (the contiguity in secondness) and potential, transferred from the modernist’s two-level interscope to the integralist’s eclipse2.

Figure 22

0080 Does this diagram picture the cruelty of the intersection of the eclipse2?

To some extent, the nightmare is portrayed by Vigano’s initial shifting metaphor.

The substance of the sacraments belongs to the Church, standing in solidarity with the Mother of Jesus, wrapped in the mantle of divine righteousness.  In artistic renderings, Mary stands on the moon.

The substance of the open religion belongs to the Church, located in solidarity with all the religions of the world(including Protestant religions), in the umbra cast by the eclipse2 of the sacraments.  Open religion stands in the umbra below the moon.

0081 The church, like some quantal object, is delocalised.  It is a waveform, presenting in two locations, above and below the moon.  It is not the particle that Bergoglio’s customers think that they are purchasing.  The world demands a particle.  God offers a wave.0082 I wonder, “Is there another analogy, one less physics-oriented, and one more attuned to the transactional character of Vatican II, where facilitators sell their positional authority to ‘someone else’?”


Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 13 of 14)

0083 Here is an alternate analogy, pertinent to the crisis of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the crisis of the 2010s and 2020s.  Vigano does not envision this analogy, even though he raises the topic of motivation.  The following analogy is latent in his argument.  It will take a few steps to set it forth.

0084 I start with the vertical axis.

Sacrament is the contiguity between two real elements.  Similarly, the term, “commodity”, is a contiguity between two real elements, which I will call, primal matter and human labor.

0085 Here is the first analogy.

Figure 23

0086 For the horizontal axis, the term, “money”, labels the contiguity between two real elements, products for sale and social arrangements that the products engender.

Here is the second analogy.

Figure 24

0087 The normal contexts of production3V and transaction3H mirror the distinction between the Catholic Church3V and Vatican II3H.

The potential1V that is analogous to the charism of Christ1V is utility1V, defined as the potential of ‘the charism of a product’1V.

The potential1H that is analogous to the alchemic transformation conducted by experts1H is price1H, defined as the potential to ‘transmute a commodity into money’1H.

The single actuality2 composed of construction2V and sales2H is the market2.

0088 Here is a picture.

Figure 25

0089 So, now I have an intersection that is analogous to Vigano’s eclipse2.

Figure 26

0090 The alchemic flows are also analogous.

Figure 27

0091 The exploitation is also analogous.

Figure 28

Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order” (Part 14 of 14)

0092 The analogy in the previous blog brings me back, full circle, to the so-called spirit of Vatican II, as well as the title of Vigano’s speech.

Mercy is not the same as mercenary.  The Catholic elites of the time before Vatican II wanted to be accepted by their secular superiors, Big Government (il)Liberals. They wanted to be acknowledged by those-in-the-know so badly that they promulgated a new theology to mask a cruel exploitation.  That new theology alchemically dissolved and coagulated the sacraments into the open religion demanded by the wealthy and well-positioned purveyors of “the human brotherhood” and “the open society”.

This examination reveals that the Catholic elites, operating on the society tier, recapitulate the exploitation practiced by the financial elites in the organization tier.

0093 Students of political theology take note.

The alchemist says, “As above, so below.”

0094 Does the societal alchemic transmutation of the body of Christ2V into the human brotherhood2H and the kingdom of God2V into the open society2H have a parallel below, where well-funded organizations transmute our bodies as primal matter2V into products for sale2H and the labor of caring for human health2V into product-driven social arrangements2H?

0095 Intersections can be mysterious.

Intersections can also be cruel.

0096 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the Church, America and the World is the subtitle for A Voice in The Wilderness,published by Angelico Press in 2021.  The presentation under examination appears on pages 251-274.  The speech is worth reading.

0097 How To Define the Word “Religion” is a masterwork by Razie Mah concerning political theology, one of the most disconcerting intellectual challenges of our current Lebenswelt.  This e-work is available at smashwords and other electronic book vendors.

0098 Plus, there is more.

Other electronic articles for sale may be found in the Intimations of Political Philosophy Series.

0099 In addition, recent blogs include the following.

Looking at Peter Redpath’s Essay (2000) “The Homeschool Renaissance”, raziemah blog, June 2022

Looking at Thomas Michaud’s Article (2021) “Anatomy of the Progressive Revolution”, raziemah blog, May 2022

Looking at Josh Hammer’s Opinion Piece (2021) “…Experts”, raziemah blog, July 2021

Comments on Philip Marey’s Post (2021) “Insurrection”, raziemah blog, Jan 2021

Comments on Yoram Hazony’s Post (2020) “Challenges of Marxism”, raziemah blog, September 2020

Theology of the Deep State, raziemah blog, May 2020


Comments on Fr. Dwight Longenecker’s Podcast (2020) “Myths, Monsters and Mysteries” (Part 1)

0001 Why would a Catholic priest podcast on the topics of myths, monsters and mysteries?

Are these actualities somehow related?

Perhaps, they are nested.  Mysteries are locked within monsters.  Monsters are contained in myths.

The outside is myth, the middle has monsters, and the center holds mysteries.

In addition to nesting, the title tells a story. A story has a beginning, middle and end. This podcast title opens with myths, proceeds to monsters, then resolves in mysteries.

Two approaches complement one another.

0002 Why?

Each word in the title labels an actuality.  These actualities fit into one another.  These three actualities tell a story.

0003 Our world is full of stories.  Some are fantasies.  Some are histories.

Fantasies have no foundation in real human events.  So, the story is not real.

Histories are founded in real human events, but often the story is incoherent.

Myths seem to blend these two poles.

Fantasies illuminate how we (humans) think.  For myths, Jungian psychologists investigate this particular topic, revealing universal mental habits.

Histories tell of what happened, by connecting various evidentiary dots or exploring clues.

The magic of myth is simple.  It holds historic dots and clues within itself, long after what happened has passed into the mists of time.  Myths are repeated with such accuracy, that dots and clues may remain for centuries, even millenia.

Consequently, there is no coherent discipline investigating how myths address something that actually occurred.

0004   Can I say that all stories contain clues.

These clues reveal something real. 

 On one hand, this something pertains to human psychology.

On the other hand, this something includes human witness.

0005 Are these poles to a continuum?

Here is how that might look.

Figure 01