
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DL

[Objects belong to the realm of actuality.

Objectrelation is an actuality, even when it is not articulated with precision.

The post-religionist (after Christendom) enlightenment (so-called and self-labeled) objectrelation of liberty, equality and fraternity has a mortal enemy.

It battles with a simple permutation.

Freedom, individuality (equal before the law) and markets (fraternity in exchange) belong to the originating Godhead of the Industrial Revolution.

This relation looks like this:

(The triadic relation of) freedom brings (the dyadic actuality of) individuals and markets into relation with (the monadic possibility of) human fulfillment.

This is the god of the Industrial Revolution.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DK

Summary of text [comment] page 82

[Liberty, equality and fraternity belong to the originating Godhead of the French Revolution.

This Godhead takes the form of a triadic relation.

(The triadic relation of) fraternity brings (the dyadic actuality of) liberty and equality into relation with (the monadic possibility of) human fulfillment.

This triadic relation is an object that brings us all into relation.

If we all assume this objectrelation then we come into relation.

This is the god of the French Revolution.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DJ

[In both Russian and American materialist ideologies, wealthy property owners are ill intentioned bad ones, who achieved their excess through exploitation.

The bad ones victimize the well-intentioned good ones.

Both Parties represent the good ones.

Both Parties identify and destroy the bad ones.

The contenders are not that different in terms of ideology.

Their mythology is almost identical.

However, they differ in the peoples that they demonically possess.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DI

[The American Progressive Union Godhead embodies this potential:

Liberty (without property is not liberty at all)

Equality (without equal property is not equality at all)

Fraternity (among the members of the Parties of Progressivism. Party members administer programs aiming for liberty and equality, challenging the exploiters, the property owners who obviously attained their property by victimizing the good ones.)]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DH

[The Russian Soviet Communist Godhead embodies this potential:

Liberty (of the state to own all property)

Equality (of all citizens in state ownership of property, with the party speaking for the citizens)

Fraternity (among members of the Communist Party. Party members assure liberty and equality, and challenge the bourgeois, who are the source of all failure.)]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 DE

Summary of text [comment] page 82

[Today, certain semiotic scholastics may be labeled post-modern.

In the same way, I call certain enlightenment and modern thinkers post-religionist.

Schoonenberg is not a post-religionist (enlightenment) thinker.

He is a modern who witnessed the horrors of modernism.

He tries to find a way out of the interpellation of the post-religionist (enlightenment) godheads.

Unfortunately, he writes right at the time when a new set of enlightenment gods enter into conflict.

In 1960, the conflict rages between two ideologies of materialism: Soviet Communism and Big Government Liberalism.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 CL

[Today, in the third and fourth generation after Schoonenberg wrote, ‘the symbolic order of big government liberalism’ is … unzipping.

Schoonenberg aimed to show that another Scriptural contrast, ‘the whole person against God’s law’, could support the actuality of the term ‘concupiscence’.

Today, his work stands in testimony to fully zipped Modernism.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 CB

[These scenarios dramatically increase the weirdness of New Testament.

God’s Incarnation occurred precisely at the juncture when oppositions within the Jewish and Roman societies were … um … unzipping.

Their languages were coming undone.

Their political systems were fundamentally transforming.

Jesus preached to third generation.

His resurrection was preached to the fourth.]