Beneath the Veil of Strange Verses by Jeremiah L. Alberg 2013 3K
This error prone machination did not operate in our heart of hearts before the Fall.
All of evolved life, up to the point of our departure, paralleled mimesisconstrained, in this most realistic and fantastic sense:
Life sacrificed itself in order to live.
Individuals risked everything. For what? Reproductive success? Yes, and more: the desire to be alive in the way that they are alive.
A simple rule coupled to an animating principle. Voila, the diversity of life.
Every species learned their desires from others, insofar as others provided their niche. “The Umwelt” is “the creature being in its niche”; a space that others created in their desire for – their pursuit of – the same “object”; “to live”.
Here we have “the object that brings all creatures into relation” in its wondrous simplicity.