
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NW

[The late-20th century campaign against evil tobacco is an example of a religioninfrasov.

Smoking and tobacco products become anti-objects.

Progressive crusaders are pro-object.

American states gain a rationale for regulating sales and imposing taxes on tobacco cigarettes.

The central government sues the tobacco companies for health costs and wins. Millions of dollars are siphoned to pay legal fees. Further legislation regulates the sale and use of tobacco products.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NV

[In phase three, health concerns provide cover for Progressive crusaders, who are always on the lookout for a new organizational object to propose.

The organizational objective of a healthy lifestyle allows thinkgroups to call for the use of sovereign power to put and end to smoking tobacco.

In phase three, valuehealth1b conflicts with desiresmoker1a.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NT

[The history of tobacco products may be told as three phases.

In phase one, tobacco cigarettes are romanticized.

Before cigarettes became popular (mass produced), they are regarded as a form of relaxation and thus a benefit to health.

After all, smoking a cigarette is like a ritual.

So, the health benefits of a cigarette are linked to a relaxation ritual.

The original concept goes like this:

A little tobacco (in fact, very little, since tobacco is toxic in high doses) plus a ritual equals relaxation. This short-term relaxation benefits the anxiety prone individual. Lighting up allows the smoker to take a break.

In phase one, value1b aligns with desire1a.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NR

[How does sovereigninfra ban tobacco cigarettes?

Regulation and taxation increase the cost of tobacco cigarettes.

Smoking is banned in particular locations.

And so on.

Some Progressive law firms make lots of money by suing the tobacco companies for elevated health costs from tobacco-related illnesses.

Progressives also raise the cost of the research and development of substitutes for tobacco cigarettes.

Today’s substitutes, available in niche markets, were developed outside the United States of America.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NM

Summary of text [comment] page 83

[The previous blog is speculation that must be dismissed out of hand.


Anyone proposing such an idea is for smoking and therefore promotes anti-healthy lifestyles.

Anyone proposing such an idea is thinkanti-object.

Thinkanti-object forces participants into the mode of sensible construction, so the overlying social construction is assumed and remains unquestioned.

Citizen health takes priority over psychological speculation.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 NL

[Modern society is full of negative moments. People compete for the stupid advantages. People position themselves against others. There is plenty of fodder for fulmination. Then negative thoughts spawn other negative thoughts.

Many people are prone to repetitious negative thoughts.

The ritual of smoking a cigarette would break the cycle.

Individuals became addicted, not to the nicotine, but to release from patterns of repetitious negative thoughts.

Smoking is cathartic.]