Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MC
Summary of text [comment] page 83
[Universal democracy leads to tyranny.
The Progressives, correspondingly, want universal democracy.]
Human psychology evolved under in the social milieu of constrained complexity. Currently, humans live in unconstrained complexity. What has this done to our minds? These topics are addressed in various parts of An Archaeology of the Fall, particularly in chapters 8C and 11B.
Summary of text [comment] page 83
[Just as the regular first-century Jews selected the ‘something2a’ that empowered the Pharisees, many twentieth century Americans vote for ‘something2a’ that denies other people’s rights and properties.
By pretending to be a victim, we get free stuff.
We vote for Progressive representatives to scam easily intimidated common folk (who strive to build wealth).
The very rich folk, however, have different options.
They hire lobbyists.
How character building is that?]
[Some American citizens sell their votes to the (infra)sovereign religion or, even more mind boggling, are convinced that the (infra)sovereign religions are on their side.
These are the so-called ‘low information voters’ who vote along tribal affiliation, as if, through elections, one tribe can legitimately subjugate the opposing tribes.
Forget the 10 commandments!]
Summary of text [comment] page 83
[Let me go back to the return from the Babylonian exile.
Why did the common folk of the second temple allow a sovereigninfra to form?
Why did they consistently support Sadducees, Pharisees and Scribes in their devotion to an objectorganization of ritual purity?]
[The decline of the Roman Empire may have been tempered by the multiplication of less politically minded Christians.]
[Consider histories of Franklin Roosevelt written in the 20th century (7700s U0’).
Not one assessed the economic consequences of Roosevelt’s tragic and capricious presidential leadership.
The Federal Reserve Board caused the Great Depression.
Roosevelt did nothing to stop their madness.
He enhance the Great Depression by supplementing economic with political uncertainty.
Why did America not fall into revolution?
The common folk were still Christian.]
[Modern intellectuals rarely correlate the political rhetoric (words) with economic consequences (bondage).
Indeed, it seems that their job is to produce the words that put the common folk into bondage.]