Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Concupiscence 5K
Pelagius, on the other hand, could not repent of his addiction of the soul. He loved being “regarded as perfect” and thought of his accolades as fully justified. He could not even fathom why anyone would disagree with his teachings. Everyone could become perfect, just like Pelagius himself, in seven easy steps.
Here, in a nutshell, one can see why addictions of the soul are so difficult to “cure”. Concupiscence of the soul is readily “justified” by the “self” or – to coin another term: justifiedself.
Whether the craving is for celebrity, status, positional power, accolades, masochistic abuse, mental brilliance, wit, revenge or sainthood, the emotional payoff addicts as much as any sensual pleasure or pain. Craving always fixes on finite ends. Such is the way of being with Cupid, the infatuating child of Venus, the Goddess of Love, who can justify anything she desires.