
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.7CV

[When a thinkgroup gains sovereign power, all must serve its idols in one way or another. All roads lead to perdition. Accusation, resistance and resentment meet at the same gate.

What gate?

You know, the one that proclaims in iron letters: “Our organizational object will make you free”.

This is the trap that the American Founders were trying to avoid in the first amendment. Today, their words stand as a prophecy. Progressive thinkgroups have already established their religions through sovereign power.

Who knows?

IF the federal government has established a religion,

THEN When will the little folk realize this?

When the federal government accuses them of anti-object pursuits at every turn?

When the federal government says, “Believe in thinkpro-object and you will be saved.”?]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.7CU

Summary of text [comment] page 61-62

[“To resent” is “to enter into a world of conspiracies, where the idolatry of the (infra)sovereign religion plays havoc with one’s mind”.

According to Rene Girard, both resistance and resentment become sites for competitive mimesis, where “the one resenting” and “the one who is resented” become less and less distinguishable. “Getting even” becomes the sole organizational goal.

The accused accuses the accuser. The accused imitates the desire of the accuser.

Each party strives to grasp sovereign power in order to fundamentally transform society according to their resentments.

Satan casts out Satan.]