For Schoonenberg, this much has unfolded: The sin against the Holy Spirit draws the individual into extreme consequences [into an sovereigninfra religion that excludes thinkdivine] and bars ‘him’ from every path to salvation.
[Schoonenberg’s conclusion resonates with Zizek’s definition of “perversity”, as “one who transgresses (thinkdivine) while acting as an instrument of a thinkgroup“.
It also parallels Ted Peter’s 7 steps to radical evil, where the final state is blasphemy3(cruelty2(1)). Blasphemy3 is idolatry. Idolatry elevates one’s thinkgroup into a thinkpro-object that eclipses thinkdivine.
Blasphemy3 contextualizes cruel action2. Blasphemy3 brings cruelty2 into relation with “the possibilities inherent in self-justification(concupiscence())1”.
Self-justification3(concupiscence2(1)) parallels thinkgroup(sin(consciencelacking)).]