Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.5T

Summary of text [comment] page 33 and 34

[Allow me to summarize.

Knowledge and will are categorical but cross the boundaries of the intersecting nested form.

Knowledge3 encompasses both thinkgroup_or_divine3and lawessential3.

Will1 covers both consciencespecified1 and dispositions1.

Knowledge3 may train the will­1 through sinful or virtuous actions2.

Knowledge3 contextualizes action2.  Action2 situates the will1.

“Knowledge3 brings “action2” into relation with “the possibilities inherent in the will1”.  Action2 emerges from will1.

Knowledge of what is proper to partial goods comes from “thinkdivine and lawsee_the_consequences” or “thinkgroup and lawexplain_away_the_consequences”.

The will that aids the training of the dispositions answers to a consciencespecified.

Training requires human action.]

Schoonenberg wrote that during this life, we grow interiorly and live deeper within the direction of our decisions, whether toward “love unto life” or “sin unto death”.  Yet, the influences of circumstances and the body cannot be dismissed, even in old age, even in dying.