Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.1ET

Summary of text [comment] page 69

[When these nested forms do not interscope, they intersect.

‘God Recognizing Himself’ creates and sustains three categories of existence.

Our human disposition prepares us to participate in ‘the triadic structure of existence’. We assume that the triadic structure of existence is actual. We attend to relationships, artifacts and potentials.

But sometimes, participation does not situate recognition. We are always surprised and disarmed when we perform some act with apparently no normal context. We participate without recognition. We are also miserable when we are forced to do activities that do not fit our self-recognition.

Often, in our current Lebenswelt, sovereign religions force their objectorganizations upon us. They lie to us in the hope that we will recognize ourselves within the mirror of their objectorganization.

Forced participation. False recognition.]