Pride puts anxiety(faithUnChristian) into context.
Humility puts anxiety(faithChristian) into context.
Did “pride” play a role in the temptation of Eve? Yes, the serpent promised Eve that she would become like God if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
If the serpent was simply telling Eve ideas that she already – at some level – knew, then pride – at some level – dwells in all of us. We are always waiting to hear confirmation of what we already – at some level – know.
And what do we know? At some level we know that, like our Creator, we can define “reality”.
Thus, pride is the beginning of sin. It exalts a power that we all know – at some level – we have: The power to define ‘reality’.
Pride is the feeling that puts anxiety(faithUnChristian) into context.
Pride makes the emotions of anxiety(faithUnChristian) so real that we feel compelled to take our self-absorption to the next level.