Thoughts on Sin by Ted Peters (1994) Concupiscence 5G

Yes, concupiscence is fun.  It comes in every form, shape, and color.  It is glamorous, entertaining and attractive.  Even at its most reptilian, it is alluring.

Concupiscence confirms our pride.  Yes, everything that I thought was true.  So perhaps it is not shocking when, after the fall, I want to blame anyone else but me.

In the section, “Eve and Evil”, Peters discussed the old timey theologians who blamed the human condition on Eve.  Or, as Sirach 25:24 said, sin has its beginning in a woman.  Or maybe, in a woman who said “yes” when she should have said “no”.

At the same time, one can turn the trope around to blame the Christian opportunity for salvation on Mary.  Here we have another beginning.  Here is a woman who said “yes” when she could have said “no”.

It is easy to extend this formula to men, since men have little Y’s where women have big X’s.  Just look at Adam.  What a dork.  Hand him the forbidden fruit and he will chomp it, no questions asked.  Just like Eve, he said “yes” when he should have said “no”.

This is my answer to Peters’ challenge:  Formulate an inclusive concept of “sin”.