0009 Sound is a very interesting thing.
Dogs can hear sounds that humans cannot.
Does that mean that humans cannot be effected by inaudible sounds?
Can humans be impacted by inaudible sounds?
0010 These questions have proper grammatical form, but they do not speak to the heart of the matter.
Phenomenologists speak in a specialized language that scientists do not hear. The scientist’s ears are tuned to hear about measurements, models and precisely defined terms. Phenomenology does not speak of phenomena in scientific terminology.
The guard dog of science is on the prowl for another language that scientists do not want to hear, the language of metaphysics. So, phenomenologists also do not speak of phenomena using metaphysical terms.
0011 In short, phenomenologists strive to be impactful while being inaudible.
0012 Mark Spencer does not reflect on the tentative engagement between phenomenology and science.
He innocently explores an accommodation between Christian realism and phenomenology.
After all, both indirectly situate science.
0013 Well, forget the “after all”.
Spencer does not mention science at all.
As such, he threatens to wake the sleeping dog of the positivist intellect.
His proposals make phenomenologists jittery.
Talk of metaphysics will upset a delicate arrangement.