0004 In the twilight of the Age of Ideas, a traditionalist slogan captures the order of social things. Politics is downstream of culture. Culture is downstream of religion. To that, Michaud adds two more. Morality flows from religion. Economics goes with politics.
Surely, America’s founders, living in the heyday of the Age of Ideas, would sympathize with this snapshot, which may be encapsulated in a hierarchical diagram.

0005 How does the following flow diagram associate to a category-based nested form?
Religion is the normal context3. A normal context3 belongs Peirce’s category of thirdness. Thirdness brings secondness into relation with firstness.
Morality and culture are both actual2. Actuality2 belongs to the dyadic category of secondness. Secondness consists in two contiguous real elements. Here, the two real elements are morality and culture. I can write the actuality2 as morality [contiguity] culture2.
0006 What label describes the contiguity?
This is a great question. It is at the heart of a series titled, “Peirce’s Secondness and Aristotle’s Hylomorphism”. I could label the contiguity, “substantiates”. But, here, I will use a less technical term, “sustains”.
0007 Finally, the possibilities inherent in ‘politics and economics’ underlie culture.
0008 Thus, I arrive at the following category-based nested form.