0038 So, what happens to the scientific acolyte, who fashions the talking serpent in Genesis 2:4-4 as scientifically false, even though the serpent talks in precisely the same manner as someone who fashions himself a scientific skeptic?
There is more than one way to deny the Evangelical Theological Society’s affirmations in Articles IX and XII.
0039 Kulikovsky elaborates in the section titled, “The influence of postmodernism.”
Yes, “postmodernism” is a bell, clanging for modernists to flee the conflagration of their so-called “scientific” world building and run into new paradigms of falsehood and deception. Perhaps, we are entering a new age, The Age of Triadic Relations, where paradigms built on the manipulation and elevation of spoken words are revealed to be… well… as old as Adam and Eve.
0040 Kulikovsky starts with Soren Kierkegaard (7613-7655 U0′), who gets the bell tolling with the claim that true knowledge is completely subjective. Later, postmodern existentialism elevates the claim to a limiting condition, where it is not possible to express absolute truth in propositional form.
Of course, this limiting condition violates the terms of um… itself.
0041 Never mind that.
What postmodern existentialists propose is that it is not possible to express absolute truth in propositional form (B1), in um… speech-alone talk, so the Bible cannot be the inspired word of God (denial of A1).
Interpretations based on biblical inerrancy presume that absolute truth may be expressed in propositional form. Therefore, traditional interpreters of the Bible are deceiving themselves (B2 is denial of A2).
0042 So, if the intention of the biblical authors is to express absolute truth, then their propositions may asymptotically approach, but never attain, the theoretical limit.
That suggests that the greimas square of hermeneutics, as modified by the hypothesis of the first singularity, cannot reach the theoretical limit set by postmodern existentialists.
0043 To me, this sounds a lot like that divine command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
I ask, “What is wrong with that tree?”
Isn’t knowledge a good thing?
0044 Well, what about the knowledge of the proposition that no spoken proposition can express absolute truth?
Can this proposition express absolute truth?
Of course, by self-acclamation, it cannot.
0045 What does it express?
Perhaps, the proposition expresses the manipulation of spoken language in order to gain some sort of advantage.
0046 Ah, the hypothesis of the first singularity produces a scientific contrast (B1b) that suggests that the postmodern existentialist proposition can be made, but…