Where did this the cornerstone, er, buttonhole analogy come from?
An Archaeology of the Fall relies on a psychoanalyst who wrote at the same time as Menninger. He was a “sinner” as well. His name: Jacques Lacan.
Unlike Menninger, Lacan went to high school in France. He learned all about scholasticism (which, like all psychiatrists-to-be, he totally rejected).
However, according to The Premodern Condition by Bruce Holsinger (University of Chicago Press: 2005), Lacan did not purge what he learned. Scholasticism re-emerged years later – as if a specter in a dream – from Lacan’s (now, psychoanalytically trained) unconscious.
Did Jacques Lacan unconsciously construct his theories while consulting the ghost of Thomas Aquinas.
How strange is that?