0079 Domning is on target, even while completely missing his intended endpoint. Evolution is red in tooth and claw. Evolution is also the most economic means to an end, the glory of God, in the abundance and diversity of life on Earth. One cannot pick and choose. God creates the world. God calls it “good”.
But, one can misread the creativity of natural selection, by insisting that all niches are potentials of material things. There is one niche that is the potential of an immaterial thing, the triadic relation. That is the human niche.
When I consider this unique niche, then the evolution of concupiscence (D’) produces a definition that inverts the traditional theological term.
0080 There is a reason for this inversion of meaning.
These alternative definitions apply to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.
Here is a list.

0081 What does this imply?
The traditional definitions apply to our current Lebenswelt.
Here is a list.

0082 The alternate definitions describe original justice.
The traditional definitions describe original sin.
0083 What else does this imply?
Our current Lebenswelt is not the same as the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.