Looking at Razie Mah’s  (2015) A Primer on the Family  (Part 14 of 24)

0090 A Primer on the Family adds the institutiona level of the societyC tier to the picture of the family.  Familyinst3aC putsthe proper familyaB into perspective under the conditions of the family as an organizationB.

Here is a picture.

Figure 32

0091 The familyinst3aC exemplifies an infrasovereign religion that does not require sovereign power, because family organizational objects2aC innately appeal to human sensibilities.  The marriage deal3aaB has served our genus well.

0092 If a social madness sweeps through civilization, proclaiming that families are not righteous, then its victory paves the way for insanity.  A leader who destroys the family destroys “himself”.  From the social wreckage, a realization emerges.   Dad loves mom.  Dad provides for mom.  Mom loves dad.  Children are blessings.  Mom puts dad in charge of the family.

Yes, the realization is as old as humanity itself.