0063 Where am I?
Okay, here is where I left off.

0064 I ask, “Why do hominins engage in cooperative activities3b?”
0065 Hodder’s book serves as a concrete example.
Hodder labors to share his knowledge and insights.
Hodder anticipates remuneration or acclamation for his efforts.
Hodder competes (labors) to cooperate (share knowledge), because the fruits of cooperation (remuneration and acclamation) increase his chances of reproductive success.
0066 Okay, that may sound reductionist. It is. But, anyone who reads books by social scientists is familiar with this type of nonsense.
0067 As an archaeologist, Hodder is honestly trying to puzzle out a difficulty. How does one explicitly discuss implicit abstraction1b, the potential hiding within entanglement theory3b?
Oh, I know how.
Rely on implicit abstraction to convey the impression that entanglement theory coincides with a human adaptation.
Well, now, the message is explicit.