0090 Diesen starts chapter four, titled “The Postmodernist Graveyard of Western Civilization”, with the claim that postmodernism is the epitome of excessive liberty.
But, what is “liberty”?
What is the meaning, presence and message1 underlying the spoken word2? Can one have too much liberty? What about responsibility? Does “liberty” without “responsibility” equal “an excess”. Or, does it equate to a gesellschaft-based manipulation of a term as a way to deceive those who regard the term according to gemeinschaft-based tradition.
0091 An educated person stands in the university hallway.
I address the authority, saying, “Oh, most academically certified person, what is the message of liberty?”
The warlock replies, “Do what thou wilt.”
Postmodernism takes liberty with language itself, the foundation of gesellschaft.
0091 Pluralism has a new name. Diversity excludes those who do not celebrate the transformation of the word, “pluralism”. It is not enough to accept the substitution. One must “celebrate” it.
Here, I launch from Diesen’s platform, with a scholastic version of a triple-twist. Let us see whether I can land this feat of mental gymnastics.
Here is the picture.

0092 I speak of the USA.
In the current winter of sovereignty, “diversity” replaces “pluralism” (A). This implies that one must accept the gesellschaft’s linguistic game in order to even address the focal word, the civilizational attribute, under consideration. Those who do not embrace “diversity” are bigots, phobes, supremacists, and otherwise deplorable (C). These labels come from bigilibs (B), who cannot rationally defend their postmodern ideologies, which are founded on a new style of science, which I call “interventional science”. An interventional science promotes models of nature and society that support organizational objectives. These organizational objectives demand sovereign power. Otherwise, they would never be implemented. They do not arise spontaneously. Instead, these objectives must be broadcast and cultivated, before conformity is harvested.
“Deplorables” (a term coined by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016) labels those who were ridiculed, by president, Barack Obama, as stupid and backwards people who cling to their guns and religion (the second and first amendments to the American Constitution).
Both of the named bigilibs are globalists, suggesting that sovereignty no longer resides in the individual or the people or the state. Instead, sovereignty rests in international actors who finance political campaigns and ballot-counting operations in a rigged exercise of so-called “democracy”. Just like the word, “liberty”, holds a novel, technical definition, so does the word, “democracy”.
0093 Ooof!
That was my landing.
0094 Now, for a little humor.
Comedy is frozen in the winter of sovereignty.
The funny part is that there is no humorous name for bigilibs, because even to say the word, “bigilib” is to identify oneself as incapable of the conformity required by postmodern ideologues. The adjective, “secular”, will not do, because “secular” means “I am not religious”. There is no label for “I am religiously not religious.”, especially when the second word, “religious”, means “claiming membership in a Christian faction”.
This comedian has a suggestion. “Judeo-Pagan” sounds just as legitimate as the term, “Judeo-Christian”. Plus, the term fits the conceptual claim that “I am religiously not a member of a Christian faction”. Additionally, the Judeo-prefix adds the Old Testament theme that God (whoever that is) will take retribution on His Enemies, which, for Judeo-Pagans, are Judeo-Christians.
This uncanny logic is on display in the March 2023 issue of the magazine, First Things, where a columnist, Liel Leibovitz, contributes an opinion piece titled, “We Are All Jews Now”. His point of view coincides with Diesen’s use of the term, “gemeinschaft”, as well as the term, “Judeo-Christian”. Indeed, Liebovitz writes that America’s Judeo-Christians currently are in the same alienating situation that Jews have found themselves in, over and over again, since the um… well… how should I say it?… theodramatic incident.
You know, the one that the prophets warned about.
Notably, writing from the gemeinschaft stance, Leibovitz cannot see that the other side of the “holy war, waged by fanatics who won’t stop until their chosen beliefs are the only ones permitted to be proclaimed”, also contains of Jews. Very wealthy “secular” Jews patronize amazingly deviant pagans, such as the mavens of social justice, critical theory and social construction.
Judeo-Pagans ride the wave of unfettered financial capitalism, which will be discussed shortly.
Judeo-Pagans are the new gesellschaft, who, in the winter of sovereignty alienate their corresponding gemeinschaft. Their (il)liberal policies aim to convey the impression of individual autonomy while maintaining censorial regulatory control of public discourse.
Judeo-Pagans are the new gesellschaft, who, in the summer of geoeconomics, support big government programs that impoverish people who work for a living, elevate people who comply with their system by pursuing careers requiring certification, and insisting on open borders.
If Americans are “All Jews Now”, then they are divided into a dominant gesellschaft and a reactionary gemeinschaft, that is, Judeo-Pagans and Judeo-Christians.
0095 Is humor is a dish best served cold?

0096 In 2023, when gesellschaft experts label gemeinschaft as reprehensible, using all sorts of nasty terms, well-funded corporate broadcasters and other minions of big government (il)liberalism take the accusations seriously, even though they are only true in the novel technical senses of the words.
When gemeinschaft-loving comedians label gesellschaft-certified experts, as “Judeo-Pagan”, everyone is supposed to smile and chuckle. But, not everyone is amused.