0112 Here is a scholastic picture of the way humans think.

0113 What is the nature of the Latin term, “species intelligibilis“?
Typically, this actuality2c attempts to bring the ‘what is’ of a species impressa2a into relation with the ‘what ought to be’ of a species expressa2b.
There is another way to describe the perspective-level judgment. A relation2c brings together the universal aspects of the species impressa2a (what is) and the intelligible aspects of the species expressa2b (what ought to be). As such, the elements belonging to the perspective-level actuality2c are not exactly the same as the situationb and contenta level actualities2. They must be qualified as elements of judgment. The scholastics accomplish this task by adding the word, “intelligibilis”.
Here is a picture.

0114 Daisy cannot ask the question, “Does this makes sense?”3b.
Consequently, Daisy cannot contextualize the potential1c of her species expressa2b by formulating a species expressa intelligibilis2c.
Or, maybe she can.
I guess one does not have to speak the question3c in order to ask it.
0115 What is her conviction2c?
Is her phantasm2b effectively true, believable, commonly accepted, and logical with respect to an affordance1b?
What is that affordance1b?
I can only guess.
And then, there is the issue of the leash2c.
0116 Since I am able to put my species expressa2b into perspective2c, I can imagine what Daisy’s judgment might be2c. I may not be correct. But, I know that Daisy is fully capable of dispatching that cat, because, by my reckoning, she has already performed such duty on at least one other cat, a half-dozen squirrels, and a dozen rats.
On top of that, if Daisy suddenly throttles that indoor cat, whose only excursions into the wild lead directly to the catnip patch, then the cat’s owner would have to deal with me, her neighbor, whom she has studiously ignored for long enough.
0117 Hmmm. I guess I should not have said that.
There is something about my species intelligibilis2c best be left unspoken.
How so?
My little addendum enters the reader’s slot for species impressa2a and, in the process, provides a clue to what is happening3a, as well as the potential of ‘something happening’1a.
0118 I know what you are thinking.
What sort of freak would create a situation where his dog kills the neighbor’s cat in order to gain her attention?