0261 Here is a picture of scholastic interscope where Tomasello’s intersection of human evolution enters the slot for species impressa2a.

0262 Once again, here is the story.
Tomasello’s vision is captured by a three-level interscope. The content-level and perspective-level actualities correspond to adaptation and phenotype, respectively. This three-level interscope shows that Tomasello elevates phenotype over adaptation.
Yet, the phenotype and the adaptation together constitute a single actuality, that is to say, the biologist cannot elevate one or the other. Each is the subject matter of a different biological discipline, genetics and natural history, respectively. When the actualities of two nested forms constitute a single actuality, the resulting purely relational structure is called an “intersection”.
0263 What happens when Tomasello’s vision is cast as a mysterious intersection?
What is the perspective-level judgment2c?
It is the sign-vehicle of an interventional sign (SVi).
It is also a judgment, labeled by medieval schoolmen as “a kind of intelligence2c“, a species intelligibilis2c.
Here is a picture of my guess.

0264 Because each element is assigned to one of Peirce’s categories, the judgment is actionable.
Actionable judgments unfold into category-based nested forms.
Here is how my guess unfolds into… yes… the content level of the scholastic interscope for the way humans think.

0265 In the unfolding, Tomasello’s judgment2c (SVi) stands for an intersection2a (SOi) in regards to two disciplinary languages describing who we are3a operating on the potential of observations of ape’s and children’s cognition1a (SIi).

0266 Then, the specifying sign follows.

The diagram of Tomasello’s intersection of human evolution2a (SVs) specifies an experience of mystery2b (SOs), because I cannot sensibly ascertain what it means to me3b. Why? The diagram contains unresolvable contradictions (and therefore, cannot be sensibly situated)1b (SIs).
0267 Finally, this reader of Tomasello’s book puts that experience of mystery into perspective while executing the exemplar sign-relation, which is the prime sign-relation that distinguishes humans from great apes.
I generate my own species intelligibilis2c, which does not resolve the mystery that Tomasello struggles with. Rather, it2ccelebrate it.

0268 My judgment2c does not cohere to the Era of Joint Intentionality. It2c coheres to the Era of Collective Intentionality.
Obviously, this judgment2c is not about whether the team’s activities are on track or not.
No, this judgment2c is about whether a scientific analysis of human evolution is on track or not.
The word, “religion”, does not appear in the index of Tomasello’s book.
Yet, here is a demonstration of how the mystery of biological (including human) evolution swims just below the surface of Tomasello’s excellent scientific exposition.
0269 So, let me now step back from that placid surface, for fear of capturing a glimpse of the beauty that stands before, emanating from my own mind.
Imagine Narcissus falling in love with his own ideas.
0270 Imagine seeing the mystery within Tomasello’s vision, swimming just below the surface of his well-organized prose.