Looking at Mariusz Tabaczek’s Book (2024) “Theistic Evolution” (Part 11 of 21)

0739 What an appetizer!

The normal context of God’s word3a brings the actuality of my recognition of a particular species2a into relation with the possibilities inherent in nature2a.

God’s word3a is what is happening3a.

Nature1a is the ‘something’ in the possibility of ‘something’ happening1a.

0740 My recognition of a particular species2a (SOi) is like an impression2a that decodes its own source (SVi) as an exemplar in the mind of God2c.  My recognition2a is like a sign-object (SOi).  God’s exemplar2c is like a sign-vehicle (SVi).

With the help of Aristotle’s philosophy, I can explicitly state my impression2a of a living specimen2a as a member of a particular species2a in terms of a contiguity between esse_ce (seed) and essence (principle)2(2cin the normal context of a species3(2c), arising from the potential of ‘each member of the species to develop and thrive’1(2c).

0741 I ask myself, “What label can I place on the contiguity between seed-esse_ce and principle-essence?”

Here is the label that I can attach at the time of the creation of each species.

Yes, here is a novel, technical definition for a well-worn term.  Creatio ex nihilo is the initial contiguity between esse_ce (seed)2(2c) and essence (principle)2(2c) in what we know must be the source of our impression2a of any particular species2a.

Creatio ex nihilo corresponds to the Word of God3a that speaks to the potential of creation1a, that is to say, “nature1a“, in the first chapter of Genesis.

0742 Here is the label that I can attach to the continuation of each species.

0743 Wow!

Now that the appetizer is devoured, the salad is served.