Looking at Mariusz Tabaczek’s Book (2024) “Theistic Evolution” (Part 20 of 21)

0818 Tabaczek (B3) concludes that when parental organisms give birth (over time, in section 7.5) to a new exemplar of their own species, the parents act as proper causes (which is basic), secondary causes (of the instantiation of a new essence) and instrumental causes (of the new organism’s esse_ce and essence, that is, the new exemplar itself).

0819 I ask, “What appears in the mirror of science (C4)?”

Here is a picture of the Greimas square.

0820 Yes, dessert tastes like evolutionary creationism.

While I pay the bill, I wonder, “Do all the figures in chapter seven of Theistic Evolution foundationally conform to a category-based nested form?”

0821 My recent encounter with the terms, “primary and secondary causation” suggests the answer is “yes”.

So does the passage, ranging from points 0391 to 0413, concerning the nature of the interventional sign-relation.

Here is the figure presented at that time.

0822 Another instance appears a passage covering points 0582 to 0588 and inspires the following diagram.

0823 What does this imply?

All of Tabaczek’s figures in chapter seven can be reconfigured as category based nested forms.