Looking at Steve Fuller’s Book (2020) “A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition” (Part 3 of 26)

0035 Educational institutions issue credentials.  Credentials associate to expertise.  Credentials are metaphorical keys (situation-level actualities2b) to metaphorical locks (perspective-level potentials1c).  Credentials2b are key for opportunities1c that lead to success2c.

Here is how these elements enter a post-truth interscope, where the perspectivec, situationb and contenta levels are denominated by the protean nested form.

0036 In chapter one, Fuller dwells upon the central term, “post-truth”.

Reason imposes chains on itself.  How so?  Well, knowledge gets formalized.  For example, what is worth knowing is divided from what is not worth knowing.  Well, then, what is worth knowing?  Formalized knowledge is so much worth knowing that it1b supports the awarding of credentials2b by an educational institution3c.

0037 Back in the introduction, Fuller recalls Willard Quine’s insight. A knowledge claim that requires a massive change to the overall “web of belief” will be considered dubious until academically domesticated.  In other words, a novel notion that is true will stand as just another opinion that is on offer on the content level until academics make it their own.

This implies that a “web of belief” constitutes the expert level.

 Plus, the expert level situates the scrappy (or is it “crappy”?) player level.

0038 These developments are entered into the following diagram.

0039 Well, if formalizing knowledge1b domesticates a knowledge claim2a that might call for a massive cognitive change,then the ‘something’1a that underlies opinions2a must be ‘something’ to be reckoned with.  ‘Something’1a may be too creative to process.  ‘Something’1a may be too destructive.  Or, ‘something’1a may change the status quo.

0040 Look at the content-level nested form.  There are two aspects.  One associates to the normal context3a.  The other associates to potential1a.  Both aspects concern reason.

Fuller offers a psychological formula.  Reason equals intellect plus will.

Are these the two aspects?

If so, then intellect3a is the normal context3a that chains the creative and destructive potential of the will1a.  The  actuality of facts and claims2a (that is, opinions2a) emerges from (and situates) the creative and destructive potential of the will1a, within the normal context of the intellect3a.

0041 Here a picture of the ongoing post-truth interscope.

0042 The question now arises, asking, “Who or what goes into the perspective-level normal context?”

If the perspective-level normal context is the relativist one3c, then this particular element becomes a safe-haven, outside of all traditional (credentialed) jurisdictions, yet holding all the metaphorical locks and keys to success.  All educational institutions3b, as well as all forums for discourse3b, are relative, according to the relativist one3c.

0043 Here is how the interscope may be spoken.

On the content (or scrappy player) level, the normal context of the intellect3a brings the actuality of diverse facts and claims (that is, opinions)2a into relation with the potential of the will1a.

On the situation (or expert) level, the normal context of an educational institution3b brings the actuality of credentials2binto relation with the potential of ‘formalizing knowledge’1b.

On the perspective (or relativist one) level, the normal context of one who stands above all relativized jurisdictions3cbrings the actuality of success2c into relation with the potential of opportunities1c.

Perspective brings situation into relation with content.