Looking at Steve Fuller’s Book (2020) “A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition” (Part 4 of 26)

0044 One implication of the complete three-level interscope for the post-truth condition takes the title of chapter two, “Post-Truth Is About Finding A Game One Can Win”.

The relativist one3c operates a justified “true” belief system.

The key term is not “true”.

The key term is “operates”.

0045 Yes, “operates” has the same first syllable as “opportunity”.

What is opportunity1c beyond the potential of putting credentials2b into perspective?

0046 According to Fuller, the operational game of “axiology” starts with a continuum, such as the continuum between what must be done and what cannot be done, then explicitly divides the continuum according to two labels: “necessity” and “impossibility”.

In terms of on-the-ground impact, such a division may be regarded as nonsense, even when applied to a single topic.

0047 Consider a nagging issue faced by ancient Athenians.  The Kingdom of Syracuse!  What do we do about it?  When hearing the diverse facts and claims around the market2a, one would conclude that war with Syracuse is both necessary and impossible.  But, once a sophist3b opportunistically formalizes the issue in terms of an either/or proposition1b, then one party gathers under the banner of “necessity” and one party gathers under the banner of “impossibility”2b

The result is a hylomorphic structure, where the party of impossibility standing against the party of necessity occupies the slot for credentials2b.  At this juncture, the solution to the contention between the two parties becomes obvious.  The party saying that war is not possible does not want to do anything.  But, doing nothing is not an option.  Doing nothing will only make war more necessary.

0048 Does that sound like an opportunity1c?

Here is a picture of this unfolding drama.

Go from left to right.

0049 Now, I wonder, “Does the relativist one3c care whether Athens decides to go to war with Syracuse?  Or, does the relativist one3c only care about arriving at… what may be called… the actions associated with a justified belief… that is… success2c?”