Looking at Steve Fuller’s Book (2020) “A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition” (Part 24 of 26)

0221 Domination?

Will1a underlies knowledge1b and knowledge underlies opportunity1c.

The opportunity1c for what2c?

Success2c in projecting something intelligible2c into my intellect3a and my will1a.

Where does that intelligibility2c come from?

Of course, it2c comes from the valuations2b of the psychometric sciences3b.

0222 Clearly, the Fourth Battle of the Enlightenment Gods is different from prior modern wars. This battle arrays those who think the narrative2a and whose thoughts can be objectified as what marketers and social workers can observe and measure2a, against those who realize that the Positivist godhead’s definition of success2c means something other than “getting ahead”2a.

It’s the big-government (il)liberals versus the human rats starting to realize that they are subjects in a colossal hybrid capitalist-socialist scientific experiment.

Or is it fascist-communist?

0223 May I see your vaccine passport?

The person asking the question is a “bigilib” (big-government (il)liberal) who has bought the narrative, resulting in a coherence within the content-level actuality2a.  Such coherence provides feelings of invulnerability and belonging.

0224 The person who must comply with the question is a member of the subject population, who knows that showing the passport is an act of compliance.  Compliance does not comport with the noumenon, the thing itself, and this provides feelings of vulnerability and alienation.

Can the reader identify precisely what phenomena are being observed and measured by the experts that the bigilib reports to?

0225 Fuller does not explicitly state the answer.

Instead, he describes what he thinks now that he has come to recognize the post-truth condition.