Looking at Steve Fuller’s Book (2020) “A Player’s Guide to the Post-Truth Condition” (Part 25 of 26)

0226 The title of chapter fourteen is “The Path From Francis Bacon: A Genealogy of the Post-Truth Condition”.  Fuller, as both professor and guide, provides an insight into how the interventional sign-relation may serve as a back door to escape the clutches of this enlightenment god.

He starts with a simple request.

0227 Only when an inquirer2a has come to realize that the current enlightenment god3c, intervenes in the way that he thinks3a,1a, can this simple request be entertained.

If the reader feels a twinge of discomfort, take a look around.  Evidence abounds.  Consider Looking at Sam Smith and Kim Petras’s Music Video (2022) “Unholy” (appearing in Razie Mah’s blog on February 11, 2023).  Who is the woman in white?  What does her choice at the end of the video imply?  Cutting edge artists portray submission to the empirio-normative judgment2c as something to be applauded.

0228 Fuller tells a story, starting with Francis Bacon (1561-1626 AD), who serves as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor under King James I.  This story serves as an interventional sign-object (SOi) that implicates an interventional sign-interpretant (SIi) and that implication suggests the presence of an interventional sign-vehicle (SVi).

0229 The interventional sign-relation is so odd.  It must be evolutionarily ancient, at least going back to the domestication of fire, when people find the occasion to hand-talk nonsensical statements after enjoying a big, well-cooked meal.

Say what?

I thought that hand-talk is sensible.

Yes, every gesture-word is sensible, but a fully linguistic statement can grammatically not make sense.

And, that opens the possibility of cogitating the interventional sign-relation.

0230 Hand talk relies on icons and indexes.  Icons (like pantomime) picture their referents.  Indexes (like pointing) indicate their referents.  The referent always precedes the gesture-word.  In a sense, the iconicity and indexality of hand-talk words guarantee reference.

The gesture-word is a specifying sign.  The gesture word (SVs) specifies its referent (SOs) in regards to what the statement means to me operating on the potential of situating the decoded content (SIs).

0231 But what of the referent?

Is the referent itself also a gesture-word, signed by the one who signifies, without us knowing why?

If so, then the referent2a itself  (or what I am thinking about the referent2a) may be a sign-object (SOi) that must have an interpretant (SIi).   That SIi more or less corresponds to the answer to the question, “What is happening3a“, operating on the possibility that ‘something’ is happening1a.

Okay, if the referent2a of a hand-talk word itself is an interventional sign-object (SOi), then where is the interventional sign-vehicle (SVi)?

I cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch it, but I know that it is there.

0232 In other words, the gesture-word (say, MOON) already has a referent, the moon that can be pictured or pointed to.

Is the moon itself like a hand-talk word?

If so, then who gestures it?

Once hand talk becomes linguistic, counter-intuitive, grammatically correct statements can address this question.

0233 [Point to me][point to my eyes][pantomime or point to MOON][pantomime MAN].

Tonight, I will see what the moon-man (SVi) is saying (SOi).

0234 So, an awareness of the interventional sign-relation is a hominin adaptation to the nature of sign-relations.

Fortunately, we evolved long before the modern constellation of enlightenment gods enters into the picture.

0235 The interventional sign-relation is embodied.

Metalepsis requires something greater than my will1a.

The truth is greater than my will1a.

0236 Unfortunately, in our current Lebenswelt, the one of scientism3c is eager to place its actionable judgments2c in the slot for the interventional sign-vehicle (SVi).

So, “my” will1a becomes a projection of the intelligibility2c of psychometrically determined valuations2b.

0237 The interventional sign-relation is not only the front door for domination in the current Battle of Enlightenment Gods, it is also the back door to the one who signifies, without us knowing why.

Here is a picture of the interventional sign-relation that this examiner constructs from Fuller’s historical account.