Looking at Vivek Ramaswamy’s Book (2021) “Woke, Inc.” (Part 2 of 20)

0267 If what I think2a is that “success” means “getting ahead”, and if everyone is willing to say that this idea associates to the American Dream2a, then the American Dream is an example of e pluribus unum.

Or, if the slogan, “the American Dream”, is simply an observable and measurable facet of a common agreement (e pluribus unum), indicating that “success2a” means “getting ahead2a“, then the slogan is a phenomenon of its noumenon.  If the phenomenon of “the American Dream2a may be observed and measured1b, then these measurements may be modeled by experts3b in order to establish its value2b.

0268 So, here is how Ramaswamy’s introductory claims fit into the post-truth interscope.

0269 Postmodern expertise3b enters into the picture, asking, “How does one observe and measure1b the American Dream2a?”

Well, it helps if one already has a psychometric model2b in mind.

0270 Notice that postmodern experts3b bring psychometric models concerning values2b into relation with the potential of observations and measurements1b of phenomena2a, where phenomena2a are what people are willing to say2a.

People are willing to talk about the American Dream.

The American Dream is about getting ahead.

But, what does “getting ahead” mean?

0271 Now, that is a question that calls for expertise3b.

Postmodern academics3b propose an answer to the question of what characterizes “getting ahead2a.  “Getting ahead’ includes education.  Thus, the issue of the affordability of education enters into one model.  At what price does someone engage in pursuit of certification?  Plus, the issue of what goes into a formal education seems like a topic that academics might be interested in.  And, since these academics are building psychometric models, educational content must consider factors such as “self-esteem”, “emotional integrity”, “sensitivity to others”, and so on.  Plus, let me not forget, because postmodern experts consider themselves to be within the scientific tradition, metaphysics is not allowed.

In practice, the experts3b would be happy to overlay their models2b… er… evaluations2b over the noumenon2a, that is, e pluribus unum.

0272 Here are a couple of associations for a big government (il)liberal America.  Yes, that is bigilib America.

Academic certification defines success.

There is no need to argue, because experts agree.

Expertise3b is required to address anything that we are all going to agree on2a.