Looking at Vivek Ramaswamy’s Book (2021) “Woke, Inc.” (Part 13 of 20)

0404 Chapter six concerns the marriage between globalist corporations and wokeism.

Was it an arranged marriage?

0405 As it turns out, marriage is evolutionarily ancient.  It evolves as an adaptation in the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.  In our current Lebenswelt, which is not the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, marriage involves individuals in communityAcoming into organizationB under the auspices of societyC.

0406 In the series, How To Define the Word “Religion” and Related Primers (by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues), the family is discussed in three of the ten primers.  In The First Primer on the Organization Tier, the family is an example of the entire organizationB tier.  In The Second Primer on the Organization Tier, the family serves as an example of a corporationaB, occupying the contenta level of the organizationB tier.  In A Primer on the Family, the family embodies an institution3aC, occupying the slot for normal-context3 on the contenta-level of the societyC tier.

0407 Given these promotions, I picture below two of the tiers as interscopes.  In general, the three levels of an interscope are contenta, situationb and perspectivec.  For each tier, each level gets its own label.

0408 Woke-ism is an institution3aC, corresponding to an infra-sovereign religion, that calls upon sovereign power3aC in order to enforce its organizational objectives2aC.  Woke-ism fuses order1bC and righteousness1aC, and considers the fusion as opportunity1c, in regards to the post-truth condition.

Righteousness1aC put the organizationB tier into perspective.

0409 Globalist corporations, as corporations, belong to the contenta level of the organizationB tier.  These corporationsaBseek to manipulate business conditions in their favor through machinations on the societyC tier.  In particular, they want sovereign power3bC to assist in manipulating market exchangebB and protecting shareholder… or is it?.. stakeholder investmentcB.

0410 What about the “family” that comes into existence when globalist corporations host an ideology that hybridizes capitalism and socialism, relies on expertise, and expects scrappy players not to see that “success2c” no longer means “getting ahead2a” and instead means “the promulgation of a global-corporate empirio-normative judgment2c“.

Well, it looks more or less like the following.

0411 Woke-ism is a international sovereign religion.  Woke-ism is an infrasovereign religion that has successfully embedded itself within the organs of sovereign power in different jurisdictions.  The reason that woke-ism works comes from the convenience that the scientismist one3aC recognizes no relational object2cC capable of transcending the positivist intellect.  The positivist intellect has a rule.  Metaphysics is not allowed.

But, metaphysics is required in order to call all things into relation1cC on the suprasovereign level.

0412 Globalist corporations are concerned about sustainabilitycB, or long-term profitability within diverse jurisdictionscB.  Capital will flow towards the most “friendly” jurisdictions.  International exchangesbB foster supply chains.  Supplies are manufacturedaB in a variety of jurisdictions.  Global corporations use capital flows in order to maximize profits from their supply chains.

Experts in capitalism are required to conduct business in all aspects of the organization tier, from assessmentcB to supply chainsbB to human resourcesaB. In chapter seven, Ramaswamy shows how experts in capitalism may use experts in socialism in order to distract from exploitation and other criminal behaviors.  In chapter six, Ramaswamy suggests that experts in socialism may co-opt experts in capitalism.

0413 Ramaswamy tells a story about value.

Here is my variation.

Around 1970, economist Milton Friedman proclaims that the social purpose of a corporation is to pursue profit.  Profits maximize value to the shareholders.

A few years later, the infamous expert Klaus Schwab writes “The Davos Manifesto” calling for a code of ethics for all business leaders.  There is more to exchangebB than customers and products.  One must also consider the investors who are sensitive to their social responsibilities.  These investors call for “ethical capitalism”.

0414 This butting of heads occurs right in the middle of the Third Battle of the Enlightenment Gods: The Cold War among Materialist Ideologies (1945-1989).  Obviously, Friedman’s ideology is capitalism.  Klaus Schwab’s ideology is a variation of socialism.  The genius of Schwab’s formulation?  His version of socialism can hybridize with Friedman’s version of capitalism in order to produce an intersection called, “stakeholder capitalism”.

Stakeholder capitalism requires two styles of expertise.  The first style consists of capitalists who regard their “social responsibility” as turning a profit.  The second style consists of socialists who see value in nudging investor’s money towards righteousness.  The first style focuses on transactional or financial value2H.  The second style promotes transcendental or social value2V.

0415 The intersection of capitalist and socialist expertise constitutes a single actuality, labeled “value2b“.  Value2b stands at the heart of the post-truth interscope.

Ah, the psychometric sciences2b sound like an arranged marriage between two old ideological rivals, who finally discover that they have ‘something’ in common, thanks to the empirio-normative judgment2c, in the service of the one of scientism3c.