Looking at Vivek Ramaswamy’s Book (2021) “Woke, Inc.” (Part 15 of 20)

0429 Chapter four concerns the rise of experts, otherwise known as “the managerial class”.

As early as 1941, James Burnham warns against the political implications of a rising managerial class.  This managerial class knows everything about value2b.  Indeed, they define value2b.

How well do they succeed?

Members of the class to move laterally among leadership of diverse institutions.

There is always a job to move to.

0430 The managerial class3b distinguishes social phenomena2a from what people say2a.

The managerial class develops the disciplinary languages3b of the psychometric sciences2b and assists in making empirio-normative judgments3c actionable.  Actionable empirio-normative judgments2c define success2c.

0431 With that said, let me recall the four battles of the enlightenment gods.

From this timeline, one can see that the current battle is brewing for over 50 years before the field clears, and the managerial class (in 1989) manifests as a force to be reckoned.

0432 How so? 

The so-called Cold War labels a battle between capitalist and socialist ideologies.  Each ideology proclaims its own empirio-schematic judgments… or should I say?… empirio-normative judgments.

0433 Is it any coincidence that the Berlin Wall falls when a former-head of the CIA serves as president of the USA?

Surely, an agency interested in centralizing intelligence would prefer that both the capitalist and socialist traditions format themselves in the style of empirio-schematics.  Scientific discourse allows the managerial class to address financial as well as political issues.  The managerial class figures out ways to co-opt ideologies as diverse as laissez faire and communism.  They can all be discussed in the style of scientific discourse.

0434 The fact that the United States elected a president that was a former head of the CIA is testimony that voting citizensare not aware that the next war will be about domination, by a sovereign3bC religion3aC whose disparate factions are united in the expectation that experts3b will situate the citizens3a,1a.  In 1989, scrappy players have no idea of the implications of the post-truth condition.

0435  After capitalist expertise and socialist expertise become stylistically scientific (as to mimic the empirio-schematic nested form), they both enter into the slot for actuality2b on the expert level.

0436 But, that is not all.

The empirio-schematic nested form is only one variation of the situation level for the interscope for the post-truth condition.

The original post-truth condition looks like this.