Looking at Vivek Ramaswamy’s Book (2021) “Woke, Inc.” (Part 18 of 20)

0467 Today, the same type of mysterious persona as the moon man speaks of winds moving across political and economic grids.

Yes, I am talking about the Forum for Universal Contemporary Knowledge and Unified Practices.

0468 Yes, I am talking about the “stakeholder”.

The stakeholder (SVi) stands for the Forum’s actualities [manifesting as] advisory decrees (SOi) concerning future global challenges such as the constellation of the fourth industrial revolution (SIi).

0469 What is happening3a?

The fourth industrial revolution.

What is the ‘something’ that resides in the potential1a underlying the fourth industrial revolution3a?

Future global challenges1a!

0470 This is not the world that Ramaswamy grows up in.  And yet, it is.

The Fourth Battle of the Enlightenment Gods begins soon after Vivek is born.  The Forum has already transformed the very identity that Ramaswamy thinks he has.

What is that identity?

Ramaswamy is an individual.  And, individuals tell their own stories.

The individual2c (SVi) stands for the realness of what I think [manifesting as] what I say2a (SOi) in regard to the reader’s intellect3a operating on the reader’s sense of reality1a (SIi).

0471 In chapter two, Ramaswamy tells how he became a capitalist.

To an expert3b, capitalism2b is all about markets3H, value2H and price1H.

To the individual that is Vivek, capitalism2b is about getting ahead2a.  Capitalism is about creativity, fashioning new products that people want (and occasionally, need), manufacturing products safely and without too much in terms of third party effects, working on a team, coming together as a community and lots of work!  Plenty of things to do.  So, one must prioritize one’s time and efforts.

0472 Value for the capitalist is more than products that produce profits.

The corporation has a mission.

0473 I believe the Forum3aC warned about this type of nonsense.

The “capitalism” of “stakeholder capitalism” is not the same as the “capitalism” that arises from individuals pursuing their self-interest.  Success2c is not the same as “getting ahead2a“.  Success2c is finding a path towards all stakeholders getting ahead, especially the experts3b who represent the… um… people who are not willing to say what they think.

The experts3b represent the people who are not willing to say what they think, because if they thought what the experts would have them think, then they could easily say what needed to be recorded as phenomena2a for the observations and measurments1b required for expert psychometric formulations2b.  Psychometric models of value2b sustain opportunities1cfor the one of scientism3c to engage in empirio-normative judgments2c, which constitutes “success2c” by acting as a sign-vehicle (SVi) for an interventional sign-relation.

0474 Once again, here is a picture of the post-truth interscope for the enlightenment god that seeks to dominate by signaling to all stakeholders, as the stakeholder of stakeholders3aC, “The Forum’s normative judgment2c (SVi) stands for what I must think2a [in order to have my thoughts objectified as] what I say2a (SOi).

0475 Individuals may regard this as lunacy.

But, here is where the money is.