Looking at Michelle Stiles’s Book (2022) “One Idea to Rule Them All” (Part 12 of 23)

0625 Le Bon’s five pillars are like metal pylons piercing the organic ground of the human mind.

And what a building LeBon’s pillars support.

Today’s post-truth edifice has experts on the many floors.  Experts in natural science are located on the ground floors.  Experts on social science are on the floors above the natural scientists.  Experts on the psychometric sciences occupy still higher floors, high enough to have their own elevator. In the penthouse, the one of scientism resides.  In order to get to the elevator to the penthouse, one has to change elevators at the highest floor of the psychometric sciences.

0626 Yes, the metaphor of modern construction portrays the five pillars that Le Bon reveals as foundational supports, driven like steel pylons through the organicity of our human minds, to the bedrock of a geological formation that we cannot see, because our own awareness covers that foundation, like soil covering bedrock.

0627  My God-given authority is challenged by the fact that what I think2a and what I say2a is pierced, and becomes the thing that gardeners will landscape, because the pillars supporting the edifice of empirio-normative stagecraft goes through our organic minds, with shafts of explicit abstractions that are as sturdy as concrete and steel.

Now, a compromised intellect3a contextualizes what I think2a and pillar-pierced will1a undergirds what I am willing to say2a.

0628 Can I assert that “my intellect3a” and “my will1a” constitute the normal context and potential on the scrappy player level?

Or, have interventions by empirio-normative judgments (SVi) activated my intellect3a and my will1a (SIi), again and again, in such a fashion that they are no longer “mine”, but “ours”.  It takes a village to raise a child.   It takes a laboratory to raise a compliant citizen-subject.

So now, my God-given intellect3a and will1a have been donated to the psychometric sciences2b as subject matter to provide valuations2b that can be used as opportunities1c to conduct (using my taxpayer dollars) further empirio-normative interventions (SVi).

0628 Slowly, what I think transfers “my” wisdom, universality and intelligibility to “our” authority, imagination and experience.  What I say transmogrifies into a product of social pressure, label-manipulation and pre-packaged imaginary scenarios, which are intelligible, only in the way that a lie that may get someone out of being accused of a crime is intelligible. 

0631 Here is a picture of the associations rendered above.

0631 One of today’s fashion statements is body-piercing and tattoos.  If body-piercing is an interventional sign-object(SOi), then what, I ask, is the interventional sign-vehicle (SVi)?

0632 Well, that question is very difficult, because I cannot see an interventional sign-vehicle (SVi), even though evolution has prepared me to be aware of its presence2c.

So, let me ask an easier question.

The interventional sign-relation couples perspective and content levels.

The specifying sign-relation couples content and situation levels.

0633 So, here is the question.

If body-piercing is a specifying sign-vehicle (SVs), then what, I ask, is the specifying sign-object (SOs)?

Yes, the specifying sign-vehicle (SVs) is a contenta-level actuality2.

And, the specifying sign-object (SOs) is a situationb-level actuality2.

0634 So, once again, what does body-piercing specify?

Well, I suppose it2a says something like this, “The normal context of social pressure3 brings the language of body-piercing2 into relation with the possibility of my imagination1.”

0635 What is someone who has body-piercings thinking?

The normal context of my own authority3 brings the actuality of my imagination2 into relation with possibilities inherent in the experience of being pierced and tattooed1.

0636 So, take a look at the following content-level actuality2a and ask, “What the hell is going on?”

0637 Do body-piercings and tattoos signal that the pierced and inked one is just a hunk of meat suspended on the five pillars of propaganda?

It sounds horrible to say it that way, but surrender can also be regarded as liberation.

Once I am liberated, then what I think can be objectified as what I say by way of body-piercing.

Is that not the nature of fashion?

Everyone wants to see and be seen.

0638 Fashion, the arts, the corporate media, and everything else American conduct stagecraft.  Stiles lists institutional bulwarks, basically floors of experts belonging to the tower of the one of scientism, in the following manner.

0639 Experts package the imagination.  Experts regulate the language.  Experts make sure that no-one who does not align with the scientismist one will ever be promoted.  Experts publish essays ridiculing perceived oppositions.  Professors demand that each student recite their lessons.  Experts plan and execute events that capture the awareness of scrappy players, especially the ones who have surrendered, as well as the ones who do not quite understand what they are becoming.  Scrappy players2a are the ones who provide the data1b for experts3b to model2b.