Looking at Michelle Stiles’s Book (2022) “One Idea to Rule Them All” (Part 18 of 23)

0690 Chapter nine is titled, “War of Words”.

Already, throughout my comments concerning the post-truth interscope, different definitions of “success” comes to the fore.  Scrappy players3a,1a see “success2a” as “getting ahead2a“.  The one of scientism3c sees “success” as “an exercise of the empirio-normative judgment2c“.  Every execution of the empirio-normative judgment2c brings an interventional sign-vehicle (SVi) to bear upon the scrappy player level (SOi and SIi).

Indeed, spoken words are like bombs, raining down on unsuspecting citizens.

Or, should I say, “…reigning down…”?

0691 Consider how the knowledge necessary for getting ahead2a appears, depending on the role that one considers.

0692 Neither the capitalism of the American alliance nor the communism of the Soviet alliance stand as victors in the Third Battle of the Enlightenment Gods: The Cold War Among Materialist Ideologies (1945-1989).  The victor is science.  During the Cold War, so-called capitalist America becomes more and more socialist.  By the time the Cold War ends, an administrative state composed of experts in capitalism and in socialism are on their way to characterize the direction, reality, definition and scope of the Fourth Battle of the Enlightenment Gods: Empirio-normative domination of subject populations.  Experts on finance capitalism3b and experts on nanny socialism3b produce increasingly insane valuations2b, that are then imposed upon the populace through propaganda and coercion.

0693 The war of words is real and dangerous.  Consider the demeaning labels that credentialed experts apply to crappy players who ignore the importance of experts in the post-truth interscope.

0694 Group-defining terminology condoned by the federal government puts the force of law behind words that end up creating the society that the federal government strives to overcome.  

For example, in America, “whites” are not a homogeneous ethnic identity, even though socialist experts model them as such.  “Blacks” have a historical identity that “whites” do not, but “blacks” who benefit from federal promotions (at the expense of so-called “whites”) tend not to have this historical identity.  Rather than descendants of slaves, they are from say, Jamaica.

The scholar, Thomas Sowell, studies the ironies of government “solutions” (empirio-normative judgments2c) applied to group differences.  Any of Thomas Sowell’s books serves as a insight-filled introduction to the ways that experts situate scrappy players.