0749 What about domination?
Chapters eleven and twelve conclude the book with suggestions for how to proceed, now that Stiles’s own manuscript testifies to the necessity for operation spider web to engage in as many operation sheepskins as possible. The scrappy players are becoming aware that what they regard as reason3a,1a is actually an interventional sign-interpretant (SIi) declaring that an operation sheepskin2c executed by the scientismist one3c (SVi) stands for what people are thinking [and] what people are saying2a (SOi). Experts3b cannot reduce this awareness to capitalist and socialist ideations2b and remain intelligible.
More research is required.
One of the operation sheepskins has got to dominate the scrappy players that deny the post-truth interscope.
0750 The scrappy player needs only to watch corporate broadcast media for the latest operation.
The money and power required to sustain operation spider web is enormous.
After the system3c burns through its cash, then it3c will ask the oligarchs and the federal government to appropriate more funds for their private-public partnerships.
The laboratory of expertise strives for an effective formulation.
Will they configure a final solution?
0751 Meanwhile, scrappy playersa are coming to terms with the nature of domination by the ones of scientism3c.
The scientismist one’s3c interventional sign-objects2a (SOi) trigger the scrappy player to imagine2a a perspective-level interventional sign-vehicle (SVi), a hidden agenda2c, that can only be recognized when the intellect3a contextualizes a potential greater than the will1a (SIi).
In order to do so, the scrappy player must recognize that what he has been thinking2a and what he has been expected to say2a are no longer intellectually3a satisfying.
Something greater than “our” intellect3a is required.
Then, what the scrappy player discovers2a is that humans are adapted to recognize interventional sign-relations.
The ones of scientism3c use that adaptation against the scrappy players2a.
The ones of scientism3c dominate by pretending to be the divine source of interventional sign-vehicles (SVi).
They do so by limiting reason3a,1a to the intellect3a contextualizing the will1a, as if the will1a does not seek perfection (completion) in transcendentals, such a truth.
Yes, they are using a human adaptation against us. But, they are triggering the adaptation as well.
0752 Hence, there is a practical conundrum facing the scrappy player.
To speak of a hidden agenda2a is counterproductive, because to posit that events2a are scripted by operation-sheepskin empirio-normative judgments2c is to talk in terms of formal and final causalities, which are the very statements-phenomena2a that cannot regarded as worthy of observation and measurement by psychometric experts3c. Psychometric experts3b base their models2b on truncated material and efficient causalities (shorn of formal and final causation).
Speech about hidden agendas2a cannot be regarded as phenomena2a worth attending to.
Therefore, it must be ignored.
0753 The impasse is palpable, because (look at the third row).

0754 The crisis is about to begin.
0755 My thanks to Michelle Stiles for daring to publish a manuscript worthy of examination in regards to the post-truth condition.